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What is there to say about today that doesn't involve bitching about work? Not bloody much.

But I can talk about yesterday.

I got my wish yesterday, and was able to have a nice, kicked back day of rest. I spent an inordinate amount of time in my new favorite place--the yard swing. This very atypical summer we are having has allowed me some lovely days to sit in the shade and read. Yesterday was one of them--temps in the 70s, low humidity, and lovely bright sun.

Well, I did do the rest of the laundry, including hanging Spouse's bedsheets on the clothesline to dry. Which I love to do, given the chance. Nothing smells better than clean sheets, dried in the sun.

Doing the laundry this weekend was a weird, unfocused experience. I kind of visited it periodically to advance the process, but I never really committed to it. It got done, though, which is what counts, I suppose. In some ways, this approach is less stressful, but I think I prefer the full-court press. I just love the feeling I get when it is done. This weekend, it was early Sunday evening before I had that release. The niggly "wash needs doing. wash needs doing." demon was chanting in my brain the whole time. I really think I'd prefer to administer the weekly exorcism asap from now on.

Spouse made his Cornflake chicken last night for dinner, and it was the ick. I took the wings, and tried to make it look like I'd eaten more than I did, but seriously--ick. The worst part is, I'll be expected to eat the lefovers tonight. Gah.

recede - proceed

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