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it's official; Kerry-Edwards
2004-07-06, 11:53 a.m.

For posterity: John Kerry chose John Edwards as his running mate in the presidential race today. I voted for Edwards in the primary, and am pleased.

I was having a good day today; unfortunately I got an Email from my boss telling me to be sure and congratulate a certain person on her promotion.

The person who got my promotion, that is. Oh, yeah. That�s gonna happen. And there went my good day.

Yesterday was nice; very quiet. I spent a fairly large chunk of the day in the new swing, just reading and relaxing. I also baked a cake, and puttered around a little. I made the rest of the sweet corn and the leftover chicken for dinner, with a salad. Had the cake for dessert. Easy, tasty, not too messy.

I alphabetized the DVDs by title last night. I�m such a geek.

Media Report:


Scott saw Fahrenheit 9/11, I declined the opportunity because I feel Moore does bad things for a good cause, thus damaging the credibility of a just complaint.

I saw �Teacher�s Pet�. Not brilliant, but because of the voice talent, I felt quite justified in enjoying it: Wallace Shawn, Nathan Lane, Debra Jo Rupp, Kelsey Grammer, Jerry Stiller, David Ogden-Stiers, Paul Reubens, Megan Mulally, Pam Segall-Adlon, Estelle Harris, Genie Francis, and Tony Geary. It was as enjoyable as the TV show, certainly. And I love the TV show. Cool thing: The closing theme was a cover of the Doris Day song �Teacher�s Pet�, from her 1958 movie with Clark Gable

I also rented �School Of Rock� on the nephew�s recommendation. I�ll probably watch that tonight.


I read Mike Douglas�s �I�ll Be Right Back�, a memoir of his legendary talk show. The book was as bland and vanilla as the author, and was a surprisingly flat read. Still, it was moderately interesting to read about the unusual guest mix they specialized in, and he got as snippy as it�s possible for Mike Douglas to get when referring to Westinghouse�s replacement for him, John Davidson. He brought up an incident (edited before air) where Davidson said something favorable about Hitler. And he gloated a little. Doesn�t sound like much, but this is Mike Douglas we�re talking about. That is pretty extreme for him.

I started a new book this morning; �Dead Ringer�, another Lisa Scottoline about the Bennie Rosato law firm. I find her undemanding and entertaining, so she�s readable despite not being a particularly good writer.

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