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Friday, part two
2004-06-26, 7:26 a.m.

Yesterday wore me out. In a good way, but still. I got up and saw the Spouse off on his trip, but oh, am I achy and droopy today.

After I made my entry yesterday, it was errands time. I did the bank, the drugstore, the grocery store, the manicurist (they are sooo pretty and pink today!)the gas station and the carwash. Not necessarily in that order. The cool thing is I was able to do all that in one part of town, which doesn't always happen.

While I was at the drugstore, I picked up a bunch of stuff for the shelter. Maxi-pads (4 packs), toothbrushes (20), razors (20) & shave cream (3 cans), soap (8 bars), shampoo (2 bonus-size bottles), and storage bags (2 boxes). What can I say? Walgreen's was Bargain Central for that stuff, and I like to take advantage when the prices are good. I got all of that for about $22.00, and I felt I did pretty well. I have to run the bags over to the center later today. By the time I got my shopping done, the drop-off hours were over.

When I got home from running around, my Scooter-Pie was already home and doing the yard-work. I came in and started dinner right away, and we were able to eat at about five-thirty. Which was good, as we'd both gone all day on nothing and were starved. We had roast chicken, county-style mashed potatoes with gravy, carrots AND peas (I gave him the choices and he said he wanted both), with strawberry shortcake for dessert. A good, old-fashioned home-cooked meal to see him on his way. I called it "Sunday dinner on a Friday night".

After dinner, he packed while I tidied the kitchen, then we took a ride, as he had a couple of his own errands to run. Back to Walgreen's! He finally found the Vitalis conditioning shampoo he's been looking for, and on one of those intant coupon, save a bundle specials. Even though I'd told him what bargains I'd gotten earlier, he was stunned to get the shampoo, a bottle of hairspray, and a stick of his favorite anti-perspirant for $5.51, tax included.

We had our dessert when we got home, and He went to sleep while I puttered on the PC.

A long day, and a fruitful one. My plans for today include coffee, computer, DVD's, and a couple of quick errands for groceries and dropping off the aforementioned supplies at the shelter.

And I have to call W and T. Oh, sweet relaxation...

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