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catching up pt 2
2004-06-14, 12:05 p.m.

I�m writing this up in Word, and if I can ever get through the server traffic at DL, I�ll post it. I�m starting to get peeved, although I probably have no right to. I don�t pay for this service, so how can I bitch. Of course, those who do pay don�t have these issues, from what I understand.

Now where was I? Oh, yes. I left off Friday night.

Spouse and I went to the lodge for dinner on Friday. I had a couple of drinks and hit the slots. I actually won! Only fifteen bucks, tis true--but I never have won on those machines before. It was rib night, so the place was fairly mobbed. Of course, by the time we�d relaxed with cocktails and cigar (S.) and slots (me), they were out of ribs. But they have a very good baked cod entr�e, so I had that, baked potato and salad. Spouse had the rib-eye, with fries and a salad. Not a bad dinner at all. A nice quiet evening out for us. Are we old? Sigh.

Saturday, I had a �Southern Living At Home� party to go to at P&E�s. Ugh. The things I do for E. Of course, P mad a phenomenal quiche for luncheon, and was pouring mimosas for the ladies when I got there. The guys (S&P) lef then, and took Papa out to lunch. We females settled down to spending too much for stuff we don�t need. I got a cookbook, a clever pottery vase (it has a built-in flower frog) and the party special. That was also a vase, very pretty, squarish crystal, for $7.95. With sales tax, and shipping, I ended up spending almost $70, so I was really glad I won a few bucks on Friday. The party was at 11, which basically took about a five hour chunk out of the middle of a Saturday, and that kind of sucked. My stuff should arrive in a couple of weeks.

Spouse and I came home after, and puttered about. I did a bit of wash, and he did the yard work. Later we ran up to SuperWally�s and got all the stuff we�d run out of, as well as a new flag kit. Plus we each got a DVD. I got Mrs. Winterbourne, even though I already have it on VHS (OF COURSE I DO�IT�S A BRENDAN MOVIE!). Two reasons. It was only $5.50, and�it is a movie with lots of scenes that need skipping. We just had a late supper when we got home.

Sunday, we got up and went out for breakfast, stopped at the hardware store for a couple of things, then took a ride through the country and headed up to our neighbor city directly north of us. We were both in the mood to poke around a flea market, but there aren�t any good ones around here. So we went to the art show by the lake instead. It was fun, although I didn�t buy anything. Lots of bead/jewelry stalls, and I got some neat ideas. We hit the produce market, and I got corn, green beans, and my berries for jam. Then we came home.

Spouse put up the new flag and did the annual pre-season maintenance on the gas grill. Damn, that thing looks mighty good for being almost nine years old. He went to some chicken farm with P on Saturday and got a couple, so he made marinated chicken on the grill for supper. I shucked and steamed some corn and made rice to go with. Lovely.

Well, that was my weekend.

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