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schvitzin'--und spritzin'
December 10, 2005, 6:53 A.M.

I came into the living room at about eight o'clock on Thursday night, and told Spouse "You're going to thing I'm nuts--but I feel like making cookies."
His reply was "What kind?" Apparently my the question of my sanity rested on my answer. I said "Well, if I had more butter, I'd make Spritz." His head started bobbing up and down eagerly as he said "Oh there's butter I bought butter we have plenty of butter!"

So I'm pretty sure he was behind me on the whole spritz cookie plan.

So I got to work, dug out my gun, mixed up my dough, and went to town.

I have the Holy Grail of cookie guns, an early eighties model of the fabulous "Presto Electric Food Gun". This makes shooting off a sheet full of cookies the work of a moment, compared to the hand-crank model my mom had. (The very memory of which gives me tendonitis!)

In two hours, I had 5 dozen pretty little cookies, sprinkled with red and green sugar, tucked away in an airtight box. And I�d even had time to clean up the kitchen!

I don�t know quite what hit me*, except that we were having a winter snowstorm and that had me wound up and full of nervous energy. But what is usually just another Christmas chore was quite enjoyable because it was what I felt like doing.

And in my quest to feel Christmassy, you can�t beat snow falling outside the window, the cosy smell of almond spritz baking, and the warm glow of the Christmas tree, bedecked with old-fashioned bubble lights.

*Edited to add: Apparently, what hit me was a rare form of "productive PMS", wherein one flies through chores like they aren't even there, instead of laying on the couch and moaning.

Unfortunately, waking up yesterday at 4:00 am to deal with that snowfall was pretty evil. The roads weren�t bad on the way to work, though--and it only took 50% longer than usual.

I sweated my ass off the whole day, working 7.5 hours without a break, pounding out the work, and signing off FOUR projects. Then I drove back to town, went to the bank, the butcher, the pet store, the grocery store, and the gas station. Then I came home and put away two weeks worth of groceries, made dinner, washed up the dishes, and took the trash and the dog out.

And then I crashed on the sofa. About eight, I just went out. I awoke at ten to kiss Spouse goodbye as he left for work, and then I went straight back to the couch, �just for a minute�.

Well, two and a half hours later, I got up, took my poor, patient dog out, and then made the big move to the bed. Where I remained until six this morning.

Now, I know that almost 10 hours of sleep isn�t a lot for some folks, but for me, that is pretty much unheard of. I would like to think, though, that I came by it honestly, by my furious activity of the previous 24 hours.

Now I�m taking the opportunity to get an entry done before getting cleaned up and dressed. Spouse is picking up Niece and Nephew on his way home, and we are going to buy skates for Niece, and later nephew and I will be--finally--going to see �Rent�. Niece, too, if she wants to--but Nephew and I are the real rent-heads of the family.

One of the reasons I practically killed myself at work yesterday was so that I would have the rest of the weekend off.

Because I�m damned if I�m going to miss my movie again.

Reading: "Son of a Witch : A Novel", by Gregory Maguire. The sequel to �Wicked�.

Listening: My �Merry Christmas, Baby!� custom Christmas mix tape. Did I mention that love this tape?

Beading:A casualty of busy-ness

One Year Ago, I didn't post.

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