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October 24, 2005,

GO SOX! I don�t know how they do it. I don�t want to know. I just want them to keep doing it.

Spouse was off the whole weekend�I don�t know, I don�t ask, I just deal with it. Absolutely zero notice, as usual. But no biggie this time�we have to be out of town next weekend, and we were both just grateful for a quiet weekend at home.

We couldn�t work in the yard, due to the dreary, on-and-off, drizzly rain we got all weekend, so when he got home Saturday morning, we got cleaned up and went on a foodie road-trip. Racine/Milwaukee this time. Racine Produce for fruit and veggies, Brossman Meats for superior beef and pork, Tower Chicken for poultry, Pick-N-Save to fill in the gaps, Jewel for Chicago-centric stuff to eat for supper while watching the game.

Spouse decided that he wanted fried chicken for Sunday dinner. Well, I really don�t do fried chicken. Ain�t my thing. As someone who worked as a fry-cook in college, I�ve dropped my lifetime share of chicken orders. And although I like it to eat, it is just too fattening, too much work, too much time, too much mess�and too expensive, with the price of canola oil these days. Well, it was even more expensive that I�d figured, since he decided to throw a new appliance into the mix. He bought one of those new-fangled deep fryers, with all the fancy features Alton Brown said he needs. $62 at Best Buy, for an appliance I don�t want, don�t need, and can�t afford to use.

So he could have fried chicken.

I will say this, though.

My fried chicken fucking rocks.

House is a mess, due to Spouse being home all weekend to A) provide a continuous stream of fresh mess, and B) get in the way of me cleaning. Honestly�he�s just going to have to put up with the cleaning thing, because we are out of town next weekend and the house HAS to get cleaned. There�s no way I�m letting it slide for another two weeks.

There is actually a bit of significant news occurring in my county lately. A ten-year-old Boy Scout from Niece and Nephew�s corner of the county was struck and killed by a miserable low-life son of a bitch hit and run driver on Saturday while out selling pizzas for his troop.

The Long John Silver�s at I-94 and Hwy 50 burned down this morning, about the time I went to work. I don�t have any details, but since Spouse was home this morning, he had the news on and I just caught it. I don�t think anyone was hurt. At least I was forewarned, and able to avoid that intersection on my way to work. I�m kinda bummed, because I liked Long John�s once in a while, and I highly doubt it will reopen.

Work is piling up at the office, and I honestly do not know how Sole Remaining Co-Worker (hereafter SRCW) and I are going to pull it all off before the end of the year. It�s a fucking nightmare, and I�m terrified at the prospect.

This morning, I got to be in on the presentation of the bracelet I made, and it was gratifying, if a little disconcerting. She really loved it. And was very touched that her staff paid for it. She cried a bit. And hugged me.

That was weird.

I wore my apple-green sweater to work for the first time today, and man, did I get compliments. I�m going to have to re-consider the whole bright-green thing, as I�ve never considered it a great color for me. Personally, I think it�s the matching DNA-Spiral necklace (one of my own pieces) that really makes it pop.


33 minutes
1.79 miles
229 calories

Reading: "It Ain't Necessarily So : How Media Make and Unmake the Scientific Picture of Reality ", by David Murray. I�m just starting, but so far, it is an interesting concept, but very dryly delivered.

Listening: XM, The Eighties. Cheap Trick, Boomtown Rats, Spandau Ballet

Beading: I�m in search of my next project.

One Year Ago, I was a bit achy.

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