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good fences, good neighbors
October 20, 2005,

Well, we are finally, after nearly twelve years, fencing the back yard. White cedar, six-inch-wide slats, six foot tall, capped six-by-six posts, and triple-strapped. Gates on either side of the house. And the back (actually the side) door within the enclosure, so we can let Raji right out the door. It will start out �wood color�, and go to a silvery look over about three years time.

In order to not have to give up a foot of our yard width, we are replacing the fence that is currently between our neighbors to the East and our property. The neighbor was happy to agree, since it is old, shot, and not worth keeping, and since we are basically buying him a new fence. (his wife is ecstatic�she�s been pushing for a new fence for a while) In fact, he wants to see about having our guy go ahead and replace the rest of his old fencing at the same time.

So I�m assuming that I will have a fence within the month. Since the installations for this season stop completely by Thanksgiving, I�d fucking better

And while I am pleased to finally be getting the yard fenced, I still feel like that could have waited a while longer, and that the shed, which he should have replaced a year ago, and the bathroom, which has been torn up for FIVE YEARS, should come first.

I really don�t think it is dumb to put fixing fundamental issues like crumbling walls, disintegrating floors, bad plumbing, and leaky shower enclosures ahead of a little yard privacy and the ability to potty the dog without getting off your ass and taking her.

No matter how horrible a day you are having, no matter how much life shits down your neck�there is no day that can�t be made just a little bit worse by vicious menstrual cramps.


34 minutes
1.82 miles
230 calories
some days are Just. So. Hard.

Reading: "Unnatural Death", by Dorothy L. Sayers

Listening: XM Fred. Motels, Devo, The Fall, The Replacements�

Beading: Pink crystal, rose quartz, pink (glass) pearl and sterling silver survivor bracelet.

One Year Ago, I was having car trouble.

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