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it takes a Cuban to deliver the missiles of October
October 17, 2005,

I�ve only been waiting 20 years for this�Spouse has been waiting since he was a year old. But we�re both filled with a warm glow and a deep, quiet satisfaction�that occasionally bubbles into exuberance.

I�d love to see the ChiSox take the series, but frankly�I�ll take what I can get. I am a very happy little Sox fan today, and that is that. I love me some Ozzie, and his �if it ain�t broke, don�t fix it� attitude this week has only endeared him to me all the more.


34 minutes
1.89 miles
245 calories

Reading: "It Only Hurts When I Laugh", by Stan Freberg

Listening: Some Cole Porter, with just a little shot of �Na-na na-na, nana na-na, hey hey hey�goodbye!�

Beading: A pink Swarovski crystal, rose quartz, and silver breast cancer survivor bracelet.

One Year Ago, I was avoiding the basement.

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