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popping in
October 16, 2005, 5:27 P.M.

I'm popping in to update because I have a minute or two...

My mother-in-law put a scare into us on Wednesday, by turning a 20-minute trip to the bank into a sixteen and a half hour disapearing act. We had several police and sheriff's departments notified, and abut 12 people out looking for her, and it was not fun. We still don't know if she did it on purpose, or if she really is seriously losing it. If pressed about it, she merely says "I was lost", and "I can't remember". We took her car away, and Spouse and I spent our Sweetest Day/Raji Day chaufferring her around Chicago and running errands with her. Yay fun.

I'm feeling seriously bummed because my best friend at work is more than likely moving to Michigan. I don't know if I can face that place without her.

I'm trying to pull myself out of a bout of pre-depressive apathy, but it's hard.

I realized that I was starting to let the housework slide again, that I'm skipping the gym again and that my eating is spiraling out of control, that I didn't want to read, to bead, or to do much of anything. So I'm trying to correct all that, but it takes so much time, and what with descending into the usual end-of-year vortex of time-sucking awfulness, it seems almost impossible. The defining symptom of a depression for me is an overwhelming sense of futility, and I am SO there right now.

Futility notwithstanding, I am feeling pretty proud of myself for all that I've crammed into today, though. I took the dog for an extra-long walk, cleaned house, did dishes, did laundry, did some end-of-season gardening, went grocery shopping, and ran several necessary errands. And I posted!

One other thing I did today was to add comments to this diary. I don't know if that's a good idea, but I'm giving it a shot. I can always take them away again if I decide it was a bad idea.

Reading:"It Only Hurts When I Laugh", by Stan Freberg

Listening: Nothing today.

Beading: A pink Swarovski crystal, rose quartz, and silver survivor bracelet for a co-worker who is a 10 year/4 year breast cancer survivor.

One Year Ago, I was lovin' the dog.

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