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at least the gym went well
September 29, 2005, 6:20 P.M.

Strange things afoot in Diaryland. After I posted yesterday, I went to edit it and my edit/ delete page had NO entries on it. I was able to see my post, though.

Today, I went to edit it and my edit/ delete page had all entries BUT that one on it. I was still able to see my post, though.

I posted a test entry to see if my 9/28 entry and the test entry would then show up on the edit/delete page. The test entry did, twice. Still no sign of 9/28.

I deleted BOTH test entries. At that point, I lost the test entry, AND my 9/28 entry page no longer came up when I hit the �current� link.

I also checked the archives, and found that, for some odd reason, four old entries from Jan/Feb had drifted on to my �recent� page. And I can still access the original 9/28 post from the archive page.

Very, very strange. But�whatever. I had kept the draft of yesterday�s entry, and reposted it. Re-filed the archives. And things seem to be more or less normal now.

This is probably all part of the larger �technology hates me� issue I�m having lately. Remote controls that go haywire, electric toothbrushes that die suddenly, check engine lights that come on and won�t go off, flashlights that crap out, one after the freaking other�and that�s just today. Honestly, I think I�m being gaslighted by my gadgets.

The idiot light on the car is the most worrying. I�m following the information in the owner�s manual, which assures me that it is drivable. These days, anything from a loose gas cap to a blown head gasket is indicated by the same little light, so I keep checking the temp & oil pressure, and listening to it, and hoping I don�t get stranded. I�ll have to take it for service tomorrow after work. I may drive his car in the morning, since I�ll be home before he has to leave.

I�ve complained about odors at work before, but I have to say�today may have been the worst ever. My department, the hall, the stairwell�I couldn�t get away from it. It was beyond belief!

It smelled like someone had tried to put out a tire fire.

With cat piss.

The worst part? I think it was coming from the cafeteria.

Spouse is returning to third shift again, which I think I�ve probably already mentioned leads to divorce-quality abuse and neglect. I�m pretty goddamned pissed about it.

And since he�s going to be available next Friday evening, he is now beginning to try and go all control-freaky on the plans I made for my (okay, our) birthday. Again.

Niece and Nephew and I were planning on grabbing some dinner at Old Country Buffet, and attending the opening night of �Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit�. Quick, easy, convenient, something for everybody, and not too expensive.

He starts whining about how �he wants to go where he can get a steak on HIS birthday.�

Well, you know what? Nobody said you couldn�t, dickwad. Just like nobody invited you to go to dinner. You were never included in my plans, because I didn�t expect you to be around. In fact, the whole point of making the plans was to ensure that I didn�t spend yet another birthday at home, all alone. If you want a steak, go get one! You�re free and over 21�it�s your birthday--do whatever you want.

Unfortunately, we all know what he wants. Again.

I have to assemble a portable gas grill. I hope I�m up to the task. I know W, and I know that if I don�t turn over her gift in fully assembled, turn-key operation, move-in condition�it will be sitting there months from now, still in its box, cluttering up the corner of her dining room.

I even bought her a 2-pack of propane tanks. I want her to be able to light a match and break out the weenies. And I need it assembled and wrapped for tomorrow night. So I�d better get my ass to doing it.

(I prefer to gift her on the very day, as it suits the sense of precision and symmetry we share.)


32.30 minutes

1.81 miles

233 calories

Yeah! More like it! I felt much better today, and if I�d had the time, I could have easily gone on awhile.

It�s so weird. It seems like there are just some days where my body just cannot do well at all�and even though I�m really struggling on those days, I can�t get my heart rate up. Then, on days like today, when I feel like I can go forever--I have to watch that it doesn�t go too far up.

I hate my body. (Not what it looks like, just what a pain in the patootie it always manages to be.)

Reading: �Complicated Shadows: The Life and Music of Elvis Costello� by Graeme Thomson, and �Malice Domestic 1�, edited by Ellis Peters

Listening: XM, �Fred�. R.E.M., B-52s, O.M.D.�I�ll take cryptic band names for $1000, Alex.

Beading: currently inactive

One Year Ago, I was keepin� it short.

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