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we who are about to dye
September 22, 2005, 7:45 P.M.

This hasn't been the best day. Or the worst. A little bit over on the ugh-side, though.

I didn't wake up this morning to the clock-radio, so much as to the BURST of static coming out of it, due to the thunder and lightening. And I woke up tired, with the bedding in knots from what was apparently a rough night. And my stomach in knots from my criminal calorie-cramming yesterday.

Well, the flat-out gullywasher of a thunderstorm ruled out walking the dog, and I had to drag her out the back door and beg her to pee for me--anything more was out of the question. She retreated to her safe zone when we came back in, not even greedy for her treats. Little girl hates the storms.

I wasn't fortunate enough to have a safe zone, so I had to drive to work in that mess.
And home in another one.

Work was just kind of "meh" today. All I really accomplished was an award-caliber performance as a cheerful person, and a productive trip to the gym. Meetings, and fussing with a million little odds and ends, and general bullshit.

And I sent myself an email reminder list, to my home email. Which arrived devoid of text, so now I'm pissed and can't remember everything that was on it, so that makes me more pissed.

I am behaving more normally today, though. I haven't been perfect, but I'm much more in the normal range. And that's reassuring--maybe the stern talking-to I gave myself last night did the trick. I hope so. I had a good talk with a friend today about it, and that helped a lot, too. She was up to 375 before she had bariatric surgery, so she understands the depression/disordered side of things, and she's good for moral support.

Since Raji was so glum this morning, I stopped on the way home from work and got her a new toy. She hasn't had a new one in a while, and her last "Hedgie" wore out and had to be disposed of, so I got her a new hedgehog. One of the real-deal kind that don't squeak, but make a sort of blattttt noise. She seemed quite pleased. She has already administered much stern discipline to it.

I really need to dye my hair. The grey is making me look ancient. And I have a birthday party to go to on Sunday, where I'll run into a bunch of people I used to work with, a decade ago. I'd prefer it if I was looking my best. You know what? I'm just going to go do it right now, and get it over with.


31 minutes

1.73 miles

222 calories

Yay! Something I am apparently in control of this week! I was able to manage four solid, consistent workouts this week. I may just stay late tomorrow and try for five!

Reading: "The Fifties: A Women�s Oral History", by Brett Harvey

Listening:XM Radio, �Fred�. Art of Noise, Bauhaus, Camper Van Beethoven

Beading: Currently Inactive

One Year Ago, I was ranting about cats.

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