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towards a more pleasant prison
August 23, 2005,

I have been released! Per the surgeon, I�m doing well, he�s finished with me, and barring any unforeseen complications, I don�t need to see him again. I�m free to go about my business, and that includes the gym, work, housework�whatever. YAY!!! I have official permission to work myself into an early grave.

I went over to the local Wally�s yesterday after getting my stitches out, in order to buy a shoe rack. Part of the Master Plan for my room is to get my shoes out of an untidy heap, and neatly arranged onto a rack. I got a small, cheap one that holds about 9 pairs, which is plenty for my everyday shoe needs. The ones I wear only a few times a year can dwell in the closet.

I also got a couple of pairs of twill work pants, in grey and navy. They have their sweats out at this store, so I grabbed more workout clothes as well--some navy pants and a clearanced $5 lavender tee-shirt, a pair of raspberry-pink pants and a $5 black tee. And I remembered to buy plastic hangers, for all the new clothes!

Spouse made dinner last night, which was kind of a surprise. He usually does make the pancakes and sausages around here, but I didn�t figure he�d do it on a weeknight. But he shooed me out of the kitchen, and I didn�t complain.

Last night went well, although it was really tiring. I was able to have the front of the house looking good by eight o�clock, and spent rather more than my allotted half-hour on sifting through the rubble in my room. I was able to fill a kitchen garbage bag to be chucked out, I bagged up two more grocery sacks of clothing for donations, and I assembled and put to immediate use the shoe rack I bought. This all netted me only about six cubic feet of bedroom�but progress is being made.

The odds jobs? I counted assembly of the shoe rack, and as an extra, I took one of Spouse�s unfinished projects that has been cluttering up my life for months and months, and I finished it. All that was required was three-hole-punching a stack of papers, purchasing a binder, printing up a slide-in cover, and assembling it. Only took about ten minutes. Done, and out of my way. And now I can finally bring my three-hole punch back to work, where I need it. Spouse borrowed it ages ago, just to do this project, and never got it done.

While at Wally�s, I ran into a friend who has a birthday coming up in a little over a month, and who desperately wants a party. But it looks like Herspouse isn�t going to throw her one, so there is much upsettyiness in their household. I would like to see her get her party, so I am trying to light a fire under Herspouse. I would be perfectly willing to should most of the work, but without the cooperation of Herspouse, there isn�t much I can do. I�m hoping I get it!

Tonight�s plan of attack: 30 minutes on my room, 15 minutes cleaning the bathroom, and 15 minutes carpet sweeping and picking up all over the house. Plus, one �odd job� (probably wash curtains and tablecloth from my room) and one load of laundry (probably Spouse�s work shirts and sweats) and the usual evening routine.

Back by popular demand�It�s the GYM REPORT! (Well, I�M demanding it, anyway.)

25 minutes

1.35 miles

180 calories

Weight? Uhhh�well�erm�249. But considering the fact that I have been a nasty piggy no-exercisy naughty girl for two months, I�m not displeased. I really can�t believe I got off that easily. Besides, the tone I�ve lost has made me look like I gained more than I actually did, so I suppose that is my punishment.

Reading: "To My Ex-Husband", by Susan Dundon

Listening: XM Radio, �Fred�. Midnight Oil, The Ramones, The Cure

Beading: "Officially not beading at this time".

One Year Ago, I had hope for my future. (Unlike today...)

recede - proceed

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