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stitch-free. for now.
Monday, Jul. 25, 2005, 1:21 PM

I have practically no time, so I have to cram this onto the internet ASAP.

Stitches out! Just got done at the Doctor's and now am posting from the pucplic library w/ 20 minute session limit. I also scheduled my left hand--August 8th, at 9:30 am. With the relief I've gotten in the right, I can't wait, frankly.

In other news. I brought up the subject of that promotion I was supposed to get when I was talking to Former Boss. He turned brick red. I was worried I'd put my foot in it, but he said he was just upset because he'd been led to believe it was going to happen for me, and he was gonna talk to my current boss just as soon as possible. So we'll see what happens. But you don't get what you don't ask for, so I asked.

I worked my tail off yesterday--6 loads of laundry, vacuumed, scoured the bathroom, bed stripped and made up fresh, and I cleaned my way through the disaster area that was passing for my kitchen. I washed four sinkloads of dirty dishes, swept, scoured and scrubbed.

When Spouse came home around three, we went and did the grocery shopping, and then came home, where he showered and I put everything away. Which necessitated cleaning out the fridge. Which resulted in ANOTHER batch of dirty dishes to be washed.

After he had a sandwich and went to bed early, I watered the flowers, watched Tuck Everlasting, walked the dog, and then hit the shower before knocking off around 9:30. Again, I had to get up early to walk the dog before it got too hot. And today's temps, even at 4:30 in the morning, dictated doing it before I showered and dressed for work. I was dripping when we got back!

That's a wrap for now, if I get a chance later I'll make it all pretty and standardized. But then, if I thought I was going to have time later, I wouldn't be at a 20 minute stand-up terminal at the KPL.

Reading: "The Tenacity of the Cockroach: Conversations with Entertainment's Most Enduring Outsiders ", from The Onion A.V. Club. Edited by Stephen Thompson. �The Thefts of Nick Velvet�, by Edward D. Hoch.

Listening: XM �Hank�s Place��vintage, honky-tonk country

Beading: Not today.

One Year Ago, I didn�t post.

recede - proceed

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