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don't promise the dog anything
Saturday, Jul. 23, 2005, 7:30 AM

I learned something this morning. Never tell the dog �tomorrow is Saturday, so we�ll take a nice, long walk". She started trying to get me out of bed at three a.m., and finally succeeded at a quarter to five.

And she walked her paws off. When we finally got home from our marathon meander around the neighborhood, I was curious as to how far we�d gone, so I set the trip odometer in the car and traced our route. We managed to go about 1.3 miles in about 30 minutes. Not bad for a ten-year old dog! It was nice and cool out, but the humidity is high, and we were both ready to come in by the time we made it home.

I was awakened by a phone call in the night, and that always scares me to death. Spouse called to tell me that he was going to have to pull a double shift, and wouldn�t be home in the morning. But he just called a few minutes ago to let me know that the plant superintendent had thought that a bit excessive, and that he is headed home now.

Which in a way makes me happy, but also bums me out. I never ever get any time by myself anymore, or even time where I can get my work done around here. He�s either sleeping, which means I can�t make a lot of noise, or strip the bed, or vacuum...or he�s all up in my shit and making me nuts.

I cannot begin to tell you how much I hate third shift!!!

I�m going nuts because our ADT alarm system has a low battery, and I don�t have clue one how to get it fixed. And the damn thing keeps bursting into a sort of frenzied chirping at odd times. Times like 3:15 in the morning, yet. I sent an email to the company, but they never responded. What kind of a system does this kind of shit, and makes absolutely no reference in the manual to dealing with it?! Fucking ADT. Between this, and the fact that I can�t get VOIP because of it, makes me want to chuck the damn thing.

I had my follow-up with the gastro-enterologist yesterday, and he was pleased with my response to the Zelnorm. He wrote out a six-month Rx, and then I have to see him again. He is also going to fax a medical necessity letter to my drug card company. I like Dr. Mario. He�s a forceful little guy.

I also ran a bunch of errands yesterday. Car wash, gas, oil change, drugstore, supermarket. I figured I might as well get some shit done, since he was sleeping anyway. I got a couple of steaks, and we had a nice dinner last night. But I was pooped! I passed out in the recliner again. I am not a night owl anymore, I guess.

I finished my lterary hat trick, and started a new book--this one is collected interviews from the Onion AV Club. I�m drifting through it--So far, I�ve read the interviews with Tom Lehrer, Berke Breathed, Bob & Dave, and Ralph Bakshi. Very interesting reading.

Reading: "The Tenacity of the Cockroach: Conversations with Entertainment's Most Enduring Outsiders ", from The Onion A.V. Club. Edited by Stephen Thompson. Interviews with a bunch of people who I, for one, consider to be interesting and cool.

Listening: Shhhh. The quiet is so lovely .

Beading: Since I haven't really opened the bead box this week, the current project is still the "Goddess" necklace in black/ pearl/grey seed mix, with crystal and onyx firepolish and onyx/hematite Swars.

One Year Ago, I was craving Koolaid.

recede - proceed

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