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something's gotta give. apparently it's me.
Saturday, Jul. 16, 2005, 8:46 AM

This third shift thing is making me nuts.

Although it has taught me something--I thought he couldn't get any more useless around the house, but I was soooo wrong.

I have to wonder if it is selfishness, or some weird, unearned sense of entitlement, or his way of controlling me, or if it is simply his complete and utter disregard for me as a person. I wish I knew. Not that it would do any good to know. It wouldn't change anything if I knew.

He is the one who would need to know--and to care--in order for anything to change.

Yeah, whyme. Good luck with that.

I suppose this week has been restful. I've napped every day, and although I ended up working harder around here than I should've had to, I'm sure I did a lot less than I would do in a normal week. But the tension of having him here my every waking minute has made it less restful than it should have been.
And the prospect of what it will be like once I go back to work is daunting and depressing as well.

I did something this week that I haven't done in months. I rented some DVDs. I need to do that a couple of times a year, just to be reminded of why I don't do that. "The Incredibles" was a lot of fun. Once I got all the sticky finger marks off of it, and actually got it to play. But when I went to watch the extras, I realized a couple of things. One--the video store had not included the second disc in the box, so I didn't get to see most of them. And two--Someone needs to sit the people who do commentaries down, and explain what is expected of them. When there are two commentary tracks, and one of them is by the animators, the writer and director should not spend the whole film talking about the animation! Brad Bird could have said so much about the writing of the film, about the voice talent, and about overseeing the whole process, but all he did was keep harping on how hard the animation was. Boorrr-ing!

I also rented a prime example of an uninspired, formulaic, hacked out sequel. Bridget Jones.

How, after all this time, Hollywood could completely miss the point about Bridget, is beyond me. But apparently, the columns, the books, and the first movie were so popular because the audience wants to see the main character tortured and humiliated by others.

Funny. I always felt that it was Bridget's unnecessary torture and humiliation of herself that was the whole general point.

Anyway. My delicious Colin notwithstanding, I found it unwatchable, and only made it about 40 minutes in, before I gave up.

The rental I enjoyed the most was a volume of Dick Van Dyke Show episodes, which included two of my favorite episodes. "It May Look Like a Walnut", and "That's my boy?!".

I need to end this entry now. I have been way overusing both my hands this week, and they are painful. The right is hurting around the incision, and down through the wrist, and the left is swollen and numb due to the extreme amount of work that has been required of it.

Reading: "Wicked", by Gregory Maguire,
"Making Time:Lillian Moller Gilbreth, A Life Beyond Cheaper by the Dozen", by Jane Lancaster.

Listening: Nothing at the moment.

Beading: Another Goddess necklace, this one in a black/ pearl/grey seed mix, with crystal and onyx firepolish.

One Year Ago, I was feeling overwhelmed.

recede - proceed

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