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401, 'kay?
Wednesday, Jul. 13, 2005, 10:16 AM

In order to get some privacy, and let Spouse have peace for sleeping, I'm doing this at the public library. So I'm a bit under the gun, what with one-handed typing, time limits and all.

Okay...Recuperation is going well. I'm driving, and yesterday I managed to do the dishes one-handed, and a load of laundry, too! This morning I tied my arm up in a grocery bag and took a bath. Sorry, doc--I can't manage on sponge baths alone. Icky.

The secret to all this, I've found, is patience. Go slowly, go carefully, and don't rush. Well, of course it's hard! But vey good for me in a way. I've been pushing and rushing so very hard for so very long that a forced slow-down is very much needed. Before I get permanently stuck in "full-tilt" mode.

Doing the dishes, and being deep in my copy of "Wicked", I was feeling more than a little sympathetic with Elphaba and Nessarose. My right arm is currently both allergic to water, AND nearly non-existent, in the practical sense.

I sent an e-mail to a bunch of folks at work, letting them know how everything went. Former Boss is really the only one who responded, and said he was concerned. I really miss having him for a boss. He can be a cool guy at times.

My library hold is finally in, which is why I came to the library in the first place--but once here, I seized the opportunity to post. I've been waiting for over a month for this Lillian Moller Gilbreth biography ("Making Time:Lillian Moller Gilbreth, A Life Beyond Cheaper by the Dozen", by Jane Lancaster) and I'm really looking forward to reading it. "Wicked" is good, but I'm still having trouble settling to long reading sessions with fiction. I need something else to dip into in between. I've been using the current issue of Vanity Fair for that, but it never takes long to whip through that.

I confess, I'm very bored. Every time I sit down in the recliner to prop up my hand, I seem to doze off. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing; I know I can use the rest. But television by itself just doesn't have what it takes to keep me awake and alert anymore. If I can bead while listening to it, I can handle tv, but not all by itself. Yawn...

I was right. This new schedule of Spouse's is making me insane. I have to be quiet all day, and right at the time I really would like to be watching the tv, he gets up and hogs it before he goes to work. And I have a feeling it will be even worse when I get back to work, because I will have a very limited time frame for enjoyment, and he will ruin any chance I have. He leaves for work at exactly the moment my time runs out and I have to go to bed! Christamighty, this sucks.

I called my mom yesterday to let her know how things went, and we gabbed, as usual, for hours. Three hours. Until my cell phone started to die. And not really about anything important--bitching about our hubbies, discussing diets and the wonderfulness of really excellent fruit--dumb junk like that. But we enjoy those talks, and we both say screw the world if they don't like it. And continue to do our thing.

HEY! That last post was #400! How about that? I guess this thing is a goer, since I made it this far!

Reading: "Wicked", by Gregory Maguire.

Listening: Can't jam in the library.

Beading: Can't do it one-handed.

One Year Ago, I was on the go.

recede - proceed

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