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grinding along
Saturday, Jul. 09, 2005, 11:23 AM

It's another pretty July morning. Unfortunately. I'd much rather we were getting soaked. For about a month. This drought has turned us into a brown and dusty desert.

Since yesterday was my long day, I slept in a bit--till 7:15 or so. Spouse was up and around, showering and getting ready to go in, and Raji was getting pretty anxious to go out, so I finally managed to pry myself out of bed. After he left for work, I walked the dog and then came home for my ritual of coffee and newspaper in the backyard. Which segued into gardening. I spent quite a while deadheading the flowers, cultivating, fertilizing, and watering. Everything needed the attention.

I had Raji out in her kennel while I worked, but she had the fidgets and wasn't very good company. So when I was done with the plants, I turned to her, and she got a hell of a brushing. She was much more contented after that--she loves the attention and scritchies of a good brush-out. Now she's sprawled in the cool, dim bedroom, on the floor under the ceiling fan.

I�ve been so busy the last few days, I really needed to have a nice quiet morning around the house. When I�m too busy to post, I�m pretty much too busy to be happy. And with Spouse moving to the graveyard shift, and me having my hand bandaged, it looks like the posts may be few and far between for a while.

While it is always crazy-hectic at work, yesterday was pure, distilled, essence of productivity. I was amazingly effective and got a ton of stuff done that absolutely had to get done before I took next week off. I couldn�t work late, because I had my pre-admit visit after work, so everything had to be accomplished by 11:30. Then I came home and continued the trend. I was in and out at the hospital in about 20 minutes, I scheduled Spouse a doctor visit for his hypertension monitoring, did all the banking, paid the bill for the gutters, and ran a million errands over two counties.

It wasn�t really my idea to go to Racine, but when you can�t get what you need in K-town, you do what you have to. Spouse needed a certain tool for work, and had scoped it out over the web. Per their site, the Kenosha store had it, so I went to pick it up. Well, don�t believe everything you read on the internet.

Since they didn�t have it, and my subsequent trip to the bead store didn�t get me what I wanted, I hit the road to Racine. Snagged the tool in about two minutes, and ran over to Michael�s which was fresh anguish.

They have down-sized their bead section, and the quality therein. I still wasn�t able to snag everything I wanted. But I did get some findings and stuff I needed. Between there and the place I go here in town, I was able to get the stuff I needed to do a couple more chokers in that pattern. I�m planning one in pearl-amber-gold-brown colors, and one in white-grey-black.

I was tired and stupid by the time I got to Michael�s, though. I did something stupid. I put my wonderful flippy-clippy sunglasses in my pocket. And then I squatted to look at something on the bottom shelf.

Yep. I bent those fucker in half. AARRGGHH!! The cashier saw them, and she did what I wasn�t brave enough to do. She bent them back. So they are wearable--barely. But I�m so fargin� pissed at myself I want to slap me.

Well, by the time I�d hauled myself back to town, and gone to the grocery store, and finally fought my way back home, it was 7:00 pm, and I was wiped. And after I put everything away, I just said fuck it. And went over to W & T�s to swim. Oh, the blissful and rejuvenating effects of good friends and a giant tank of water!

I got home about 20 after 9, and tried to walk Miss Raji, but she was having firecracker panics, yet again. So we came in and I cleaned up the kitchen, started to get dinner, and generally tried to stay awake for Spouse.

These Friday nights are nice, in their way, but I won�t miss them too much when he�s on third...5am to 2am is just too long of a freaking day!

Reading: "Wicked", by Gregory Maguire.

Listening: Streaming audio from The Drive--A Chicago radio station. Skynyrd, Police, Supertramp, CSN&Y, Queen...good old rock-n-roll.

Beading: �Green Goddess� earrings. Now that I have the findings I needed to finish. And a couple more of that pattern in the pipeline. I want to get started on Christmas, and I want to bead like a maniac this weekend, to tide me over till my hand recovers.

One Year Ago, I was desperate for drugs.

recede - proceed

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