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Saturday, Jul. 09, 2005,

I know I should acknowledge the horrible tragic blast of evil that struck my lovely London...but I just do not know how. I can�t conceive of it. It�s too much for my mind to grasp. I feel bruised and in shock by this. This city I love so much, torn to shreds. I'm too stunned and too deeply heartsick to even cry.

And part of me says I have no right to think and feel that way. And part of me feels like a selfish, oblivious pig if I don�t.

I was not raised to understand this kind of wickedness. Wanton destruction of stuff in order to get what you want...I pretty much understood by age four that this was unacceptable social behavior. And that is all terrorism boils down to. Destructive, raging tantrums by bastards with no conscience, to force their agenda upon others.

The scale is larger, the destruction results in loss of life and limb and liberty, but at the center, a spoiled brat who wants it all his way. No different that the spoiled little shits who terrorize their parents in Toys�R�Us, the other kids on the playground, or their teachers in the classroom.

recede - proceed

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