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whipped till I'm frothy
Wednesday, Jul. 06, 2005, 7:46 PM

Busy. Tired. Work is a frenzy, home is just more work. Since I got home at five, I've done three loads of laundry, hauled seven nine bags of trash to the curb, watered all the flowers, and washed a sinkful of dirty dishes. Frankly, I'm whipped.

I hate this neighborhood more every bloody day. What a bunch of low-bred trash surrounds me. The asshole across the street has what must be the ugliest pickup on the planet. And the noisiest. I can't even sit on my front porch without getting bilious from looking at that yellow, orange and red monstrosity of a custom paint job that must have cost him a fortune. I'm sure he's very proud of it, but it looks like an evil clown car to me.

And the moron that lives behind us stood right there in his back yard and watched me put Raji in her kennel, then, as soon as I went into the house, he turned on his sprinklers full blast. Without bothering to notice that he was over-shooting his yard and soaking my dog.


Apparently, they aren't quite done trying to murder Spouse at his place of employment. Not content with roasting him alive during every heat wave, or moving him to third shift at the beginning of next week, they have decided he must cover half of first shift for the rest of the week, in addition to working all of second shift.

I understand that they are understaffed, but the solution does not lie in trying to kill the remaining techs. They need to take a hard look at their hiring practices and pay scale, and make the changes necessary to get some more technicians in there.

I've decided that Meijer is the only place I'm buying fruit from now on. Their cantaloupes, watermelons, apples, peaches, cherries, and lemons have all been fabulous, and I haven't had fruit this good since I was a kid in Iowa farm country. When I got some apples and melons here in town a couple of weeks ago, to tide me over, it was like eating cardboard. Expensive cardboard, at that.

30 minutes
1.75 miles
237 calories

Reading: "Wicked", by Gregory Maguire.

Listening: XM, 70s on 7. Suzi Quatro, "Stumblin' In"

Beading: �Green Goddess� earrings.

One Year Ago, I was playing the critic.

recede - proceed

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