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July 19, 2012

Period showed up Monday, in its most miserable and toxic form. Bloated, sick, poisonous feeling. Just frigging miserable.

Tuesday morning started at 2:16 am; woke up with a big mess of a hemorrhage. After dealing with that and getting back to sleep, the next round of fun began shortly after five, when B slammed through my bad knee as I was going out to water the baskets. In trying to right myself, I apparently messed up the door jamb--because when we tried to go back in the house...the storm door was stuck tight shut and I couldn't get it open. (And I didn't even manage the "save"--I fell into the fence. Knocked my head and bruised myself up royally.)

I thought at first that I had somehow managed to set the lock lever, so I popped the screen out and reached in to flip it. Wasn't that. I ended up pretty much just grabbing hold and YANKING the damned thing, and it finally opened (all that yanking tore up my shoulders, too) so we could get back in and I could get my ass going. I was already runing late at this point, I still needed to get gas, I was in a lot of pain, and I had sweat pouring off me because it was about 100% humidity. I took a sec to send Spouse a text about the door, and then hit the road. After two near misses on the highway, I finally got to work and it was Tuesday the whole effing day. At 101 degrees. So naturally that backwards ass shithole I work in tried to give me frostbite.

There. I get program points for keeping a journal, so if I come here every day for 11 weeks just to say "life sucks and I wish I was dead", there's a reason. I'm trying to save money on my insurance.

Reading:"Seeing France with Uncle John" (1906), by Ann Warner.
And "Dwellers in Arcady : The Story of an Abandoned Farm" (1919), by Albert Bigelow Paine. Yeah...still. What can I say? It's summer, so there's other stuff to do besides read. (Like sleep!)

Listening: Smashmouth, Cage the Elephant, Led Zeppelin, Jack White (anybody else HATE that song about wanting love to be violent?)

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