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the downside of digital
January 30th, 2012

I was performing some routine library maintenance and on my Augen last week and that wretched Adobe Digital Editiond effed me over big time and took a massive data dump. I lost 257 books off my reader, as well as much of my interest in the whole frigging thing.

This is what happens--I have a device, I adore the device, I load up the device, the device takes a massive shit and I lose all my data...and I never feel the same way about the device again. (Ask Montague Pilkington III, who languishes in a junk basket next to my chair at home. I still mourn the Sarah Mac and Warren Z files I lost in that crash.)

Yes, it is perfectly possible to track down and re-load all that data. It was all free stuff from GoogleBooks, Internet Archive, and Project Gutenberg. The point is, I DON'T WANT TO. I shouldn't HAVE TO. And it is a fact with me that this kind of stuff takes the heart right out of me and causes me to completely lose interest.

Maybe now is the time to resume my paper book reading. Possibly it has been long enough now, and I won't crave a smoke every time I pick up a book.

Today is the first anniversary of the death of my husband's mother. That sentence feels very cumbersome and awkward, but I really don't know how else to put it. Spouse's mom died one year ago today. That's better. I mean the sentence works better. I'm actually surprised it even popped into my head--maybe because they were talking on TV about the anniversary of the big blizzard, and she died just as that was sweeping down on us. What I remember most strongly about that whole three-day mess of death and snow is how badly I wanted a cigarette. I'd only been quit for a few days, and it really was the most pressing thing on my mind. How sick is that?
Speaking of that whole quitting thing--since I marked a year last Wednesday, I decided to treat myself to something I wanted (yeah--I found something I was actually interested in acquiring!). I had seen a DVD set at Sam's last week that I decided to buy come payday; it was a very nice speccial edition, The Complete Wallace and Gromit. So I went in this weekend to pick it up...
...you see? This is why I stop engaging in life. Guess which week the video vendor chose to come through and pull titles? Guess what was among the titles pulled? Because they just had to make room for season seven of THE (fucking) WALTONS. Because there is sooooo much demand for that!

So I did some searching to find out if it was available anywhere else in the area. Of course not. I got it for myself from Amazon, since I was already ordering a new water filter for the sink (ALSO not available in the area) and got free shipping if I bought both. I even threw in a Sondheim CD since it was marked down to under 9 bucks and also included in the free shipping (the original 1990 OB version of "Assassins", with Victor Garber, Patrick Cassidy, and Debra Monk).

Dear Brick and Mortar Stores;
I try. I really do. I always try you first.
But you let me down so very often...
I really don't know why I still bother.
It's not me-- it's you.
Something more positive? Well, Saturday was wonderfully peaceful, since Spouse worked all day. I puttered around the house, did the laundry, and just relaxed in peaceful solitude. As I mentioned, I had some disappointment on Sunday morning's shoppping. Not just the DVDs, either-- couldn't even purchase a package of new Y-fronts for Spouse--out of stock at one store, not carried in his size at another. Grr.

But Niece finally came by yesterday and exchanged Christmas gifts yesterday; she was pretty happy with the cash, and I was thrilled with the lovely, square-cut amythyst studs she got me. Spouse got a big pack of socks, so he was happy, too. That was nice.

Reading: "The Tracer of Lost Persons," (1906) by Robert W. Chambers, and �The Idyl Of Twin Fires� (1914), by Walter Prichard Eaton.

Listening: Feist, Fleet Foxes, Stray Cats, Pearl Jam.

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