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how I spent my winter vacation
December 01, 2011, 2011

A fairly comprehensive list of what I did with my time off.

-Scrubbed down kitchen counters & splash like a fury.
-Cleaned under microwave (red-faced 'cause if was kinda gross).
-Did a complete canister revamp--washed, dried, and filled up fresh.
-The disgusting old fryer in the corner is GONE! Finally got rid of that old space-hogging, dust catching, unused piece of junk.
-Gave the sink a super-scouring with ceramic cooktop cleaner (1000x better than cleanser), then bleached to disinfect.
-Did a complete pantry cupboard clean-out.
-Took a spice cupboard detour; cleaned out and organized the baking spices in one shoebox, and all the cake & cookie decorations in another.
-Ran cleaner solution process on the coffee-maker.
-Took out the garbage.
-Vacuumed carpets. Including corners, under furniture and around all the fuzzy edges.
-Dusted living room.
-Cleaned the kitchen floor. Again--a thorough job.
-Thoroughly cleaned the bathroom. I mean surgical!
-Did laundry--clothes, towels, rugs, B's blanket.
-Took apart & cleaned the vacuum cleaner.
-Stripped the beds, ran the bedding to laudromat & did it all up, the came home and re-made beds up fresh.
-Bought, signed, stuffed and addressed all my Christmas cards.
-Made creamed chicken over biscuits for Monday dinner. And Tuesday dinner, too. I made a lot. But Spouse and I had both been craving it, so we were okay with leftovers.
-Baked pfeffernusse (new, better recipe).
-Made peanut brittle
-Baked with Niece--M&M cookies and Spritz and gossip and fun.
-Got two teeth filled. Probably going to need one crowned and the other re-crowned in the near future.
-Got my physical & bloodwork taken care of.

Got back to work today (Thursday) and was hit first thing with my annual review. It was fine; I got my usual "highest rating possible without a promotion attached". Funny. Back in the days when I actually worked hard and gave a shit about my job, I was always getting dinged for my passion. Now that I am on auto-pilot,and couldn't care less? Gold stars all the way. Whatever.

Reading: "More Tish" (1921), by Mary Roberts Rinehart. "The Girl Scouts at Home" and "The Girl Scouts Rally" (both early 1920s), by Katherine Keene Galt.

Listening: Fleetwood Mac, REM, Sarah McLachlan, The Kinks

Surfing: cookie recipes

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