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nothing but busy
December 21, 2009

quick shots:

Work continues to kick my ass.

The weather sucks donkey balls.

Spouse has been miserable, sick, irritable, and worthless (not necessarily in that order) for a week. He�s still able to mow down the Christmas cookies and keep the jar of holiday M&Ms under control. (Thank god, huh?) AND he continues to cook up amazing schemes, then leave me to carry them out�which is going to get him a smack-down the very next time he pulls it. He�s been warned, so it�s his choice. Next time he promises my mom or my aunt or somebody I�m fond of something, he can just call them right back and disappoint them.

Meanwhile, I�m scrambling to hold down the damned job, do the Christmas shopping, do the regular shopping, do the Christmas baking, wrap presents, complete all those little projects he keeps inventing, keep the house clean, cook meals, do dishes, and wash clothes. I don�t get the privilege of afternoon naps, or time to read, or visit friends. I just get the shaft.

Spouse�s brother decided Christmas was the perfect time to institute divorce proceedings. Incidentally, it�s also his youngest son�s birthday. Just when you think he couldn�t be MORE of a dillhole�

My brother is a cheap, anti-social prick, which makes him the worst host in the world, and so naturally he�s having Christmas this year�except he still hasn�t gotten around to inviting me, so I�m not looking forward to this. Well, the weather is already promising to drop us into the shit for the holidays, so the question might be moot.

Made homemade beef stew, Spritz, and a friend over the weekend. Well, not so much a �friend� as a �desperately lonely lady in the grocery store who was so grateful that somebody smiled and spoke to her that she cornered me in the frozen foods aisle and talked my leg off for over an hour�. Thankfully, she was intelligent, educated, well-read, and polite. Just very, very , very lonely�

Got a package from my auntie today--a pound of See's peppermint patties. Oh, she knows me, she do.

I'm on my tenth Ruth Fielding book..more near-drownings. Sheesh.

Reading: "Ruth Fielding Down in Dixie, Or, Great Times In the Land of Cotton�, Copyright 1916 (Ruth Fielding #10) Good grief, this is racist by today�s standards. Due to extreme lack of reading time, I have been on this one for almost a week.

Surfing: No time

Listening: a CD��Christmas Songs�, by various Canadian artists. It also has a Stuart McLean monologue that�s hilarious��Polly Anderson�s Christmas Party�.

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