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December 08, 2008

Pfeffernusse, Gingerbread, Rolled Sugar, and Spritz.
Me and the Nephew rocked the cookie factory on Saturday afternoon, producing tasty and artfully decorated gingerbread, rolled sugar, and Spritz cookies, as well as a small batch of gingerbread sweeties--which is a fancy name for rolling balls of gingerbread cookie dough in powdered sugar and baking them off.

Actually, it was another amazingly productive weekend round the place. I ran a bunch of errands and (finally!) got my haircut on Friday, then came home finished my Christmas cards, stamped them, and then and got a start on my housecleaning and laundry.

Saturday morning, I had nice phone chat with my mom (she loved her angel!), finished the housecleaning, did more laundry, and then got cleaned up for Nephew's visit. Once he arrived, we all ran to the store to get some necessities and some gifts (a new blender for P's Christmas, and a slow cooker for TJ's housewarming), dropped the cards at the post office, and then came home to bake the afore-mentioned metric buttload of cookies. Thank dog for take-n-bake pizza--after cookiepalooza and all the required cleanup, I was bushed.

And on Sunday, Spouse and I got up (and I woke up to find out I was "rooting for the Red Wings". UGH.) and got Nephew rolling (no hot breakfast--he had to go to work) and then set off for a couple more errands of our own. We needed to pick up food for The Mighty B and run to the hardware store for a new humidifier and some new cheapo slop rugs for the front and back entryways. 'Tis the season for wet, snowy, salty shoes.

I puttered around a bit once we got home, made the third and final assault on Mt. Laundry, and ran my car over to Cafe de Lube for an oil change (the Rocket) and a mocha (me). I love that place.

Then I came home and relaxed a while, made some barbeque chicken, fries, and a salad for dinner, and settled in my chair with my blanket to watch the original version of "The Parent Trap".

After a weekend like that, I'd have liked a nice quiet Monday, but that, alas, was NOT to be. In addition to major, nerve-wracking project work, I had a shitload of production issues pop up and beg to be dealt with.
And tomorrow won't be any better, because the weather is in the process of turning to shit again. Always--ALWAYS--just in time to make the morning commute a nightmare.
I DVRed Pollyanna last night--think I'll go watch it. Maybe perky is just what I need.

Reading: �It's Not News, It's FARK--How the Mass Media Tries to Pass Off Crap as News�. Finally getting around to reading Drew Curtis's book. I used to be a FARKer, back in a time when the comment threads were more thoughtful, respectful, and intelligent.

Surfing: Had a quick peek at neatorama a minute ago.

Listening: Trying to get into the Christmas music on the radio--but they play so much CRAPPY Christmas music that I think it's time to start digging through the CDs.

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