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ate, drank, was merry
October 13, 2008

Time to lose a few. I've gotten to my limit again, weightwise. For reasons I won't go into here, I feel maxed out and it's time to do something about it. Starting today.

So yesterday, naturally, was the last hurrah. Actually, it was more a matter of waiting to start the healthy eating plan until after I'd discharged my social obligations. SInce I knew we had a foodie outing with P&E planned for Sunday, I couldn't see the point of kicking off an intake reduction only to sabotage myself with a fabulous brunch.

So we went yesterday, and it was a lovely excursion. Unfortunately, it got uncomfortably hot, so we were unable to take in too much of the actual gardens. But it's always a good time with P&E, especially when there is good food involved.

As you can tell, I survived Spouse's 3-day weekend. We had rather a nice time, actually. We ran a few errands around town on Friday, including a trip to ShopKo where I picked up a couple of lightweight sweaters and a long-sleeved tee on sale. And in the evening, Spouse made MY birthday dinner--charcoal grilled barbeque pork chops, baked potatoes with sour cream and chives (my favorite!), and sweet corn. A lovely meal.

On Saturday, we got up early-ish and I kicked the laundry into gear while Spouse relaxed awhile. Once we had both gotten cleaned up and dressed, we ran down to Wally's in Zion, since I had quite a list of stuff I needed for around the house.

We had been discussing the situation at the Shalom Center--they are in dire need of food donations. Decided on how much we could budget, and while I pushed our cart around, Spouse pushed the buggy for the food bank. We were able to get quite a bit of reasonable-quality food for just over our $50.00 allotment, including some of these meals for only $3.00 each.

Of course, once Spouse got his "giver" in gear, he wanted to do more, so we hit Aldi's on the way home for more stuff.
Once the shopping was done, we dropped off the donation at the center, came home and put our own stuff away, and then we pretty much puttered around and relaxed all afternoon. For dinner, Spouse lit the charcoal once again and grilled some steaks. I threw some frozen twice-baked potatoes in the oven and threw together a tossed salad, for another pleasant home meal. Spouse had picked up a Porterhouse steak on sale for $7.00 that was big enough to split between us, and once he'd worked his usual charcoal magic, it tasted a lot more expensive than it actually was.
Then yesterday, as I mentioned, we had the annual combination birthday and anniversary feast with P&E, and we stopped at Barnes and Noble in Greenfield before heading back to town. I was hoping to put my birthday giftcard from W towards the "Spaced" DVD set I want, but when I realized they were getting a full fifty percent more than Best Buy, and I'd blow most of my gift and still pay the BB price? I couldn't see wasting the cert.

So I managed (miracle!) to find a couple of books. Douglas Coupland's "The Gum Thief", and "Steps In Time", the Fred Astaire autobiography I saw on the TCM Website a while back.

Once Spouse and I did get home, the warmth of the day plus the sumptuousness of the meal caught up with us, and we had another afternoon of puttering and relaxing. At least it was cooler at home by a good 15�.

After the earlier meal, we were in no mood to fuss, come suppertime. We split a Dino's frozen cheese pizza and called it good. He played on the computer, I watched True Blood and Mad Men, and that was the weekend wrapped up.

Reading: "Sleeping Murder", by Agatha Christie.

Surfing: Calorie Chart.

Listening:Listening: Coldplay, Green Day, The BoDeans

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