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getting old (?)
September 19, 2008

I stayed home Wednesday. What can I say? The very thought of that place makes me so sick to my stomach that I�m constantly concentrating on trying not to hurl. My sleep is a joke. Trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, and when I do manage to get myself under, it�s nothing but odd, frustrating dreams or flat-out nightmares.

Constant nausea and fucked-up sleep are getting to be exhausting. And when I�m exhausted, my coping skills disappear entirely.

So. Since I called in Wednesday, of course Thursday was a furious ball of catch-up, and on top of that, I had to leave early so I could come home and take The Beeler for his ear infection follow-up. He�s fine, by the way.

But me? I�m always either burning up or freezing, pissed or depressed, nauseated, plagues with a headache, or just worn out.

I'm beginning to suspect that menopause is just around the corner.

The upshot of the stomach issues, lack of sleep, and wrestling Mr.B into and out of the vet's office? I passed out on the couch before eight p.m., in the middle of an Odd Couple episode. Woke at nine feeling like I'd been in a coma, and stumbled around getting (most of) my pre-bed chores done before falling into bed, snuggling up to B, and sinking into oblivion once more. Best night's sleep I've had in a while.

And today being Friday, there is a nap on my schedule. In ink.

Reading: "The Last Woman in His Life" by Ellery Queen .

Beading: no

Surfing: Oh, for galaxy's sake. Zaphod wept.

Listening: U2, Seal, Lucinda Williams.

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