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out cold in a heat wave
July 31st, 2008

Due to the unfortunate presence of those evil communists in the summerhouse, I have been less than my best the last couple of days. Pretty much everything from the time I got home on was me sprawled on the sofa, reading a book and napping. No TV, no PC, no pool, just me and an Aggie and the couch. I read pretty steady until about 6:30, but then I dozed off and I slept pretty much all evening.

I tend to get that way during the first couple days of the damned thing. Plus, I had GI issues yesterday morning, and a horrible, insanely busy workday on top of it, so I was just wiped out completely.

And the outside heatwave means that they have it so cold at work that I can't stand it. I find the constant chill to be another factor that wears me out. The unfortunate combination of a poorly designed ventilation system and the positioning of my desk directly beneath a vent means that I have a frigid draft blowing across my arms and down my neck for nearly nine hours a day. It takes a toll. It's pretty sad that I have to wear a hooded sweatshirt indoors, in high summer, so I can be comfortable.

That place is such a hell hole.

After waiting for four days for a response to my email request for a vacation day, I finally just flat-out asked the boss what was up. She had overlooked it completely, it seems. But after that, she could hardly refuse me. So I'm off tomorrow.

I'm off the paying job, anyway. I'm still on for the slave labor job--cleaning, laundry, errands, etc.

And I may have finally gotten a vacay day out of her, but there's still no sign of that $25.00 gift card bonus I was promised for working Sunday, though.
AND--They cut the authorized premium pay from 6 hours for 3 to 5 hours for 3. After the the fucking fact.

Here's the thing about using such tactics to lure people there on a Sunday: We're only going to fall for it once. Next time you ask, we're going to remember we got yanked around and lied to.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this before (and I'm too lazy to look), but I have zero interest in this weekend thing. Part of it is that I've never felt a particular itch to go to SW Michigan, apart from possibly seeing D--which isn't happening, so...I don't want to go.

And part of it is the whole thing I'm going through over Spouse right now--
I pretty much have zero interest in him.

And there is the long history of his getting me into a car and then torturing me. Let's see--
There was the run from Chattanooga Tennessee to Kenosha, Wisconsin. With no toilet or meal breaks. (Well, he was going to stop for dinner, but then I pointed out that it was 90 degrees and I'd already been stuffed into the cab of the pickup for several hours and therefore I didn't think a Sonic drive-in was, therefore, the best place to stop. Naturally, I had to be punished for THAT little attempt at self-assertion.)
All the times he's promised me that if I went where he wanted to go, we'd go to a shop or restaurant of my choice as well--and then he totally blew me off because he was behind the wheel and he fucking could.
All the times he's just plain lied--said we were just going to the grocery store or something, and I find myself miles away, wasting an entire day doing something I don't want to do.
All the times he's dragged me to his mother's.
The time I said I'd wait in the car, and he left the sunroof open, and a wasp got in. And when I threw the door open, I found out he'd locked me in, taken the keys, and SET THE ALARM.
The fact that he never, ever, ever wants to go ANYWHERE--unless I have my fucking period.

Umm--it's really not hard to see why I've been knocking around the old divorce idea, is it?
I woke up early this morning--a side effect of sleeping away the previous evening, I guess. But instead of staying in bed and bemoaning my fate, I got up and threw on some shorts and a shirt, and went out to water the flowers. I've been putting it off because they keep swearing it's going to rain (LIES), but there was no way they were going to make it through another 90 degree day without some H2O. At 4:30, it was already oppressively humid and warm. So I hauled water cans and gave everything a good drink--I'll probably have another go round tonight before I go to bed. This weather is everything you expect for the end of July/beginning of August--fucking stifling.

But it's supposed to rain tonight. (hmph)

Reading: "Murder at Hazelmoor" & "The Body in the Library", by Agatha Christie. Aggiefest is winding down, I think. One or two more and I'll be ready to move on to something more contemporary.

Beading: Theoretical beading only. I've got to get "happy in my head" with this design, before the practical beading can start.

Surfing: MST3K wiki. Supercalafragalistic-expialawacky!!!

Listening: WXRT. Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sir Douglas Quintet, Yaz, and Peter, Bjorn, and John.

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