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win some, lose some
December 18, 2007

Well, I didn't win the potluck cook-off today, but they ate a lot of beans. And I did win today's "Christmas Brain Teaser", which was based on seasonal songs and carols. Listening to nothing but Christmas music for a solid month has a pay-off, it seems.

--A couple of notes to whoever wrote the quiz, though. It's "Up on the housetop, reindeer pause", not reindeer paws"! Reindeer have hooves, you morons.

--The horse in Jingle Bells is NOT. Named. Bob. It's "bells on bobtail ring", not "bells on Bob's tail" ring.

And, of course, I won a fargin' Christmas decoration. Some snowman candleholder thingy that I will never, ever use. Maybe I'll regift it, or maybe I'll just give it to a friend of mine who is a rabid snowman collector.

I was trying to get a co-worker to pick it for me from the pile of wrapped prizes, but she made me do it myself, and I was seduced by the fact that it had beads on the wrapping. I'm such a sucker for beads.

I finally managed to get a few gifts wrapped up tonight. The stuff I'll be needing first, such as the work gift-exchange present and the stuff for my family. And Spouse's surprise gift "from Santa", which I wanted to get wrapped and re-hidden while he's out of the house.

A lot of what's left is gift certificates to stuff into greeting cards, so I'll get those done in the next few days, and leave the rest of the wrapping to Spouse, who is has all the wrapping talent in this house. He was a holiday gift wrapper at Sears in his teen years, so he's really fast, and really neat. Mine usually look like they were wrapped by Lobster Boy.
Now, I'm bushed. I had a long day, on top of a restless night, and the continual smell of food in the office all day really started to gross me out after a while. (At least I could go out for air at lunch time--it was in the upper thirties, sunny, and not much wind. Gorgeous!)

Plus, I was super-busy, as they once again fingered me to do validation testing for a release, and on stuff they never even took the time to plan for. I took a good look at what they had, turned it around, and made it all work--the testing, anyway. We'll know about the actual programming tomorrow, when my reports get done running.

I wonder if they know what a knife in the heart it is for me to get called on to do testing, when I'm so good at it, and I love it so damn much, and they took it away, only to periodically rub my nose in it.

Did I mention how much I hate that place?
Anyway, I think I'm going to get comfy, pop in "Christmas Vacation", and just finish out the evening by chilling.

Reading: An old copy of �Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine�, September 1998. I keep 'em all, and re-read 'em.

Listening: The Weepies, on Youtube. Deb Talen. This is the chick that's singing on the Penney's and Old Navy Christmas commercials. I like her--she kind of reminds me of Dolores O'Riordan. Check them out.

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