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2 out of three ain't bad (but that third one sucks)
January 18, 2007, 5:52 P.M.

Amazingly, we had two consecutive days of bright sunshine here (bitter cold, but bright sunshine), and I had two days of feeling energetic, ambitious, productive, and cheerful.

And then I woke up this morning.

Truly, I had a very bustly and pleasant couple of days. On Tuesday, I was bubbly and bustly and sharp as a tack, and fiercely productive both at work and home. I spent the day plowing through problems and projects, and then came home and did a boatload of laundry, since I'd gotten a bit off schedule last week. I washed dishes. I took out the trash. I even dashed off an entry.

Yesterday was same again, please, except I only did one load of laundry. I had a master plan for supper. My homemade vegetable soup. Ambitious for a weeknight, but it sounded so dang good. And I baked up a pan of cornbread to go with it. Due to the necessary stop at the store, and the time it takes to make, I didn't eat till 7:30. But it was worth the wait. And Spouse found it to be quite the thing to come home to, as well(He loves my soup).

It would have been an even more productive evening, had I not discovered that Casablanca was on TCM. I have this thing in my head that reacts to Casablanca. Once I know it is on, I can't NOT watch it. I have to sit my ass down and watch it from that point on. I've been late to things because of that.

So when I sat down to eat my soup, started flipping channels, and landed on the scene where Bogie's getting his drunk on after realizing Ingrid has popped up again--well, I was helpless.

Seriously? I love that movie. Like so many Warner Bothers movies, it's like a big catalog of my favorite stars, contract players, bit-parters, walk-ons, and extras of the period. It's even got Leonid Kinskey! And Helmut Dantine!

This morning? Much warmer out. Warm enough to snow, in fact. I felt like crap, and could barely crawl out of bed. Once upright, I fared a little better, but I have had a persistent feeling of fatigue all day. My morning commute was backed up due to the road slop, plus I had to pull off at a gas station to clean my headlights and refill my washers, the flying muck was so bad. And the whole "trucks try to kill you on Thursdays" thing didn't do anything to improve the situation, either.

I managed the work thing fairly well, until I stood up to go to lunch and got a very unexpected (week early!) and unpleasant surprise. And that was before I ate cafeteria fish for lunch! Both of those contributed to the downward spiral my productivity took in the afternoon.

So now I have been utterly blindsided* by my period, I have an upset stomach, and my mood is clouded over like the sky outside. Bleah. I know it was too much to hope for, but I was pulling for three good days in a row.

Plus, I was greeted by a puking dog when I walked into the house this evening. Nothing says welcome home like a puddle of sick! But she's a mommy's pup when she isn't feeling well, so I did get the opportunity for some primo cuddles. Like a little kid, she just wants me to hold and soothe her.
So we did that for a while, and I got some of her medicine down her, so she will perk up in a little while.

*I mean really. For two days, I've been feeling the absolute opposite of grumpy and mopey and weepy (and the rest of the dwarves), and was even congratulating myself on the fact that I was over whatever it was that had me retaining so much water. And BAM. look what happens.

I was saddened to hear that Art Buchwald died yesterday. For a rather precocious newspaper carrier in 1970s rural Iowa, he was an introduction to the wonderful world of satire, and I will be forever grateful.

"In the good old days, smokers could be counted on to die far before their time, and therefore did not use up their Social Security benefits or health plan credits. Nonsmokers, on the other hand, live too long and to this day are a tremendous drain on the country's finances. We're talking about hundreds of billions of dollars. So, every time we turn a smoker into a nonsmoker we're destroying the entire pension system of the United States."
--From "Long Live Smokers!" The Washington Post, March 22, 1990.

Reading: �A Most Contagious Game�, by Catherine Aird . As much as I love her mysteries centering on Inspector C.D. Sloan, this lone, non-Sloan book is my all-time favorite. I love the situations, the characters, the settings, and the mystery itself. As clever, humorous, and well-written as her other works, and one of those books that I love to revisit, over and over again.

Listening: "Les Miserables" songs. From the Tenth Anniversary �Dream Cast� Concert at the Royal Albert Hall. Alun Armstrong (with Jenny Galloway) doing �Master of the House�, Colm Wilkinson singing �One Day More�, and Philip Quast owning �Stars�.

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