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long time away
January 04, 2007

It was kind of a rough December. I won't go into all of it, but some of the low points were:
The month starting with a vicious blizzard, which dumped a foot and a half of snow on us.

A staggering round of layoffs at my company, resulting in loss of employment for many long-time associates and friends, including my VP, of whom I was quite fond.

A backlash from said layoffs that resulted in the doubling, yet again, of my already insane workload.

The holidays, which are nothing but bad news for me. Always a rough time, and this year, soul-killing.

The month ending with death of my dear father-in-law on New Year's Eve, which is still emotionally rocking Spouse and me. I loved Papa very much, and I feel pretty awful.

The depression that will. not. fucking. end. I have to admit that it seems like outside forces conspire to keep me in this miserable state; please reference the above litany of woe.

I did get a couple of things for Christmas; Spouse bought me a pair of trilliant-cut topaz earrings that match my ring perfectly, Niece got me a gift card for the bookstore, and Nephew bought me the Clerks II DVD. That was kind of nice.

So that's what's been going on. A shitty end to a shitty year. Please, oh please can '07 be better?

Maybe it will, but I hoped the same thing for '06, as I recall.

Anyway, this week so far has had some bustle in it. Making funeral arrangements (the actual memorial service is next week, due to cremation timeframes), getting back to work after two long weekends in a row, getting a reasonably nice annual raise, and getting my teeth cleaned. Tomorrow has more--work in the morning, then an oil change, a hair appointment, various necessary errands, and then I need to shop for something suitable to wear to the funeral.

I'm already tired, just thinking about it.

Reading: Business requirements, issues write-ups, design documents, and all manner of ill shit relating to work.

Listening: NPR and some WDRV.

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