rhymes with rhyme

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Sunday, May. 29, 2005, 2:03 PM

I'm such a dork.

How weird is it that I'm totally in love with my brand-new, huge, fluffy dish towels?

And everything else I buy at the Meijer Store, as well. Spouse and I took a ride down to Rolling Meadows yesterday, and bought two shopping carts full of stuff. Groceries, clothes, household supplies, flowers for potting, charcoal, work boots, and pet supplies. I just love that place.

When we got home, I cleaned out the fridge and puttered around the house, while he gave the lawn a waay-overdue cutting.

Then, I ran to the store to get all of the things that we had forgotten to buy at Meijer, despite having purchased two shopping carts full of stuff.

When I got home, we cooked burgers over charcoal and corn-on-the-cob, which we scarfed along with cold deli salads. Mmmmm-summery!

And I did a couple loads of wash, because hey! What choice do I have?
Set up the VCR to tape the Indy 500 for Spouse, because he has to work on race day, and walked the dog, because I didn't want to shampoo the rug if she DIDN'T get walked, and hit the sack, because I was beat.

This morning I came awoke early with the shreiking hand pain, grabbed an ice pack, and went back to bed. as soon as the pain subsided, I conked out again, and woke up to find Spouse already gone to work, and Raji wanting her morning walk.

So we ventured out into the sunshine as soon as I got dressed. Only to be a half-mile from home and getting rained on 15 minutes later. But only for five minutes, before it stopped. Freaking weather.

When we got home, she went back to bed, and I ground and brewed some great Kona coffee, and noodled on the computer a bit. I've been lazy all day, and I have a ton of stuff to do, but I'm making slow progress. Got some laundry done, and not much else.

recede - proceed

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