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cold, so cold, so very cold
Sunday, Dec. 19, 2004, 5:53 AM

COLD. Coldcoldcoldcoldcold! I'm really glad I don't have to be anywhere today. I plan to spend the day right here in my room, relaxing, pottering about on the computer, watching DVDs, and cuddling with my dog. A rare kind of day for me, but I just plain need it. And thank goodness for the new furnace!

I got up at 4:20 yesterday, to see Spouse off to Alabama (on business). He won't be back till Thursday, and then we leave Friday for GVR.

Cutting it rather fine, but what else is new? I really don't like everything in my life touching like that. I prefer events to be doled out in a measured manner, evenly spaced, with lots of downtime between. Too bad it doesn't work like that.

I had to get up early anyway for work. I had to start at seven (why yes, it WAS a Saturday...what's your point?)because of the size of the release, and I wanted to get there early enough to hit the gym. And hit it I did: 1.45 miles, 30 minutes, 201 calories.

Work went shittily, but I refused to stay past 10:30, because I had other stuff I had to take care of.

I did something on impulse last night. I found a gorgeous Father Christmas figure when I was browsing the Horchows website, and I ordered it and had it sent to my mom. I just think she'd really like him, and everyone deserves a surprise or two at Christmas. She's so blue lately, and I'm hoping it will bring a smile.

Well, I may post again later if I feel like I have anything to say, but who knows?

recede - proceed

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