rhymes with rhyme

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Monday, Sept. 06, 2004, 7:10 AM

Here's hoping that spouse doesn't feel up to much today.

We ended up skipping the Italian Meatloaf thing last night, as the sinful breakfast did not agree with him at all, and he felt sick all day. In fact, we all felt a bit queasy last night--even the dog. He skipped dinner entirely, Raji needed a Diawin, and I made due with a Glazed Chicken Lean Cuisine. Which is no hardship, 'cause I love those.

He seems to feel better today, and is off to the store right now for all the stuff we forgot yesterday. But I would really prefer not to have to do anything or go anywhere today. I just want to be a lazy bum. A sad,pathetic, no-life, lazy bum.

recede - proceed

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