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ho ho...hum?
December 25, 2005, 10:59 A.M.

Despite the fact that I decided this Christmas was going to be about me making other people happy, I still feel a little let down that no one seemed too interested in making me happy.

I am not bragging, or complaining, or anything; I am what I am, my thoughts are what they are. It's just that it is hard to feel loved on Christmas when you are pathetically easy to shop for and people still get you A) Nothing, or B) Stuff that isn't you, and is pretty much a waste of money. It makes me feel sad, and I'm not going to apologize for that.

The prospect of next summer, lounging in the pool, make me happy, though. I'm more than thrilled with Spouse's gift, as I believe I've mentioned.

Christmas Eve was a success, I think--everyone seemed pleased with the food, and the gifts we bought them. It ended up being almost an open house...we had Papa, P&E. and the two of us, plus Niece and Nephew were here awhile, with their mom and stepdad, and even JR showed up. Ten people in all, if you include Spouse and me.

P loved his fancy oven thermometer, and the U2 DVD we got him, and seemed especially happy to receive the Ketel One Vodka set we got him, with a cocktail shaker and a mixoloy DVD. E is always thrilled to get Pottery Barn gift cards, and this year we also got her a card for Bath & Body Works. With her, the gift of shopping is always a hit. Papa liked the pajamas and the DVD, but he thought that the polar fleece robe we got him was, in his words, the best present. And of course, JR loved the WWII books and Vegas books we gave him.

Papa was having breathing problems, and E was worn out from having a bout of her stomach problems the night before, but all seemed to have a good time.

I picked up Spouse's leather jacket Friday, so I was able to give it to him, and he got a really neat Harley cocktail set from P&E. They gave me a couple of Christmassy items, as usual, and a bottle of Lindeman's Chardonnay-Riesling. For the person who hardly ever celebrates Christmas, or drinks. Uh...yeah.

And Papa's gift to us all, as usual, was the gift of meat. This year, he bought a fabulous ham, which P cooked to perfection using an Alton Brown recipe.

We had shrimp cocktails, crudit�, cookies, chips and dips, various nibbly things, and then served the ham as sandwiches, with potato salad, coleslaw, and macaroni salad. I made a chocolate cream pie, and offered a white chocolate-raspberry cheesecake, but by and large, no one was interested in dessert.

Everyone was gone by about 6:30; I sent JR home with a plate for his mom and some ham sandwiches for him. Then I tackled the kitchen and dining room. I was bushed, but it needed to get done. I kind of alternated between cleaning up, and watching the channel 9 special about , Bozo, Garfield Goose, and Ray Raynor. Eventually, I got things shipshape, and we all turned in about nine-ish. Even the dog was wiped out. She and I started our day with a very long walk, then she had to deal with all that company...it just wore the poor old thing out.

As for me, I took two Darvocets before bed, because I was simply aching with exhaustion. I woke up early this morning, though. And with a game plan for today.

Sit around on my big fat ass. That's the plan. Nowhere to be, nothing to accomplish--just relax and putter around a little.

Graze on leftovers, kick back, and chill out. Talk to relatives on the phone. Do a crossword, bead a little maybe. That sort of thing.

Reading: This is a rare thing indeed-I am not reading anything at the moment!

Listening: the TV in the background, as my Spouse watches John Wayne movies .

Beading: SRCW wants a necklace to go with her bracelet, so I'm thinking a spiral in the light pink beads, and an accent of darker pink beads in the center course. I have to see what I have for beads, though.

One Year Ago, I was in Vegas, so I wasn't posting.

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