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November 19, 2005, 7:02 A.M.

And, just when I was trying to be all positive and shit--I come down with some fucking flu or other that makes me feel like I'm wearing ice for underwear.

I was teeth-chattering, 6 blankets and an afghan cold. And all I wanted to do was sleep. So, other than working, that's all I've really been doing for the last few days.

Can't skip work just for flu, I'm afraid. Not these days. Not when my job is actually making me nostalgic for a place that isn't so intense at the holidays.

Like Wal-Mart.

But hey! it's big shopping day today, so that will be fun. Spouse is planning a pretty big buy today. We're going to take Nephew along to use as a pack mule.

Not going till afternoon, though--Spouse got a call back from a company here in town, for a job. They want him to take a test this morning.

So I'll just spend the morning working around the house and cleaning out my car, till he gets home to pick me up.

Reading: �The Graveyard Position�, by Robert Barnard.

Listening: Nothing presently.

Beading: Not presently.

One Year Ago, I didn't post.

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