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long old meme
November 15, 2005,

What time did you get up this morning? 4:50am
Diamonds or pearls? My own beaded jewelry
What was the last film you saw at the cinema? �Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit�
What is your favorite TV show? I don�t watch television
What did you have for breakfast? Coffee. (vanilla-spice)
What is your middle name? Gale
What is your favorite cuisine? Haute
What foods do you dislike? Brussels sprouts
What is your favorite Potato chip? Sterzings or Mrs. Fishers
What is your favorite CD at the moment? "The Remains of Tom Lehrer"
What kind of car do you drive? The Retro Rocket! (Chrysler PT Cruiser)
What is your favorite sandwich? Turkey breast on a Kaiser roll with lettuce and tomato.
What characteristics do you despise? Cluelessness and Insincerity
Favorite item of clothing? My purple robe, with Pooh and Eeyore on it
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? London
What color is your bathroom? No color�it�s halfway through remodeling.
Favorite brand of clothing? I�m not a label slave
Where would you want to retire to? Henderson, Nevada
Favorite time of day? They all suck
Where were you born? Iowa
Favorite sport to watch? Baseball, if I have to
What type of detergent do you use? Whatever Meijer has on sale that doesn�t make me itch.
Coke or Pepsi? RC Cola
Are you a morning person or night owl? They all suck
What size shoe do you wear? 9-D
Do you have pets? Black Lab
Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with everybody? That would be why I have an online diary�
What did you want to be when you were little? A librarian or an actress
Favorite Candy Bar? Dove Dark
What is your best childhood memory? I had a horrible childhood
What are the different jobs you have had in your life? Newspaper carrier, office assistant at a car dealership, actress, restaurant hostess, fry cook, retail clothing sales (department manager), Inventory manager, writer, poet, insurance adjustor, software tester.
What color underwear are you wearing? Scary white granny panties
Nicknames: Muffy is my all-time favorite, my all-time least favorite would be a toss-up between �Fishworm� and �Meatloaf� (long story)
Piercing? One hole, each ear
Eye color? hazel
Ever been to Africa? No
Ever been toilet papered? No.
Love someone so much it made you cry? Yes.
Been in a car accident? Yes.
Croutons or bacon bits? Butter and garlic croutons
Favorite day of the week? They all suck
Favorite restaurant? Emeril�s New Orleans Fish House
Favorite flower? Carnations
Favorite ice cream? Edy�s Girl Scout Cookie�Thin Mint
Disney or Warner Brothers? Warners. Specifically: Daffy.
Favorite fast food restaurant? I don�t eat fast food
What color is your bedroom carpet? Oak hardwood floor
How many times did you fail your driver's test? 0
Who sent you this? Some damned pest ;)
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Online? Amazon. Brick and Mortar? Williams-Sonoma
What do you do most often when you�re bored? Go online.
Whose response to this questionnaire has you most curious? Dime, bigal.
Last person you went to dinner with? Spouse
Ford or Chevy? Chrysler
What are you listening to right now? Dean Martin��Baby, It�s Cold Outside�
What album have you owned in three or more formats? Meatloaf, �Bat Out of Hell�. Vinyl, 8-track, cassette, CD.
What is your favorite photograph? Spouse, in his 20s, on skis.
What person have you learned the most about life from? I�m self-taught.
How many tattoos do you have? Eww. None.
How many instruments can you play? Now�one. Piano. (At one time I could also play the flute.)
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Eggs existed before chickens.
How many people are you sending this to? 3


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