rhymes with rhyme

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November 01, 2005, 10:00 P.M.

Every once in a while, I like to do things the hard way, because it�s more fun. Today, instead of calling my mom and just asking her for my cousin�s phone number and address, I decided to get googly and go hunting on the net.

Keep in mind, my Iowa relatives are not exactly part of the whole tech revolution thing. I have a 45-year-old sister-in-law that doesn�t even know how to send an email. And when it comes to online informational sources, it isn�t that Iowa doesn�t have them�it�s more that they under-utilize them. Info is sparse, is what I�m saying.

Still, in a matter of minutes, I managed to get the phone number and address of the cousin in question, view a photo of his daughter from 2002 (lordy, she looks like her great grand-parents!), locate a newspaper article mentioning his wife, AND get the phone number and email address of his older brother.

I loves me some Internet.

Actually, it�s his wife I want to get hold of. Mom & Dad were at a family wedding a couple of weeks ago, and mom asked her if she had another job on top of farm-wife. Yeah, farm-wife is a real, respected, and admired career path in Iowa. And it�s a seriously hard one.) Anyway�she said she did. Jewelry. Beads. So, immediately Mom gets all excited and starts bragging on my beadwork, and long story short, cousin�s wife wants me to call her. But when she�s telling me all this, does Mom have the phone number, address, or even her name?

�That�s my Mama!

So, I google, and get what there is to get, and I�ll give her a jingle to see what�s up with the lamp work bead biz.
These folks are on my mom�s side, so they are the fun, sweet, sane, functional, loving people. Always a pleasure to be in touch with them.

I wish I could figure out what goes through Spouse�s head sometimes. He calls me on his way home from work to give me a list of things he wants me to pick up at the store on my way home from work.

So he can�t stop and shop? Oh, no�he�s just so whipped at the end of the day, he can�t face going to the store!
Yeah. Of course, I�m certainly not exhausted at the end of MY day, and stores aren�t nearly as crowded at 5:00pm as they are at 8:00 in the morning�oh. Wait.

Well, easier to just do it, than to fight about it and STILL have to do it. He�s so spoiled, and it�s all my fault�made my own bed, I guess.

My good friend D brought me something amazingly cool today--her son's CD. He's a hip-hop producer/performer, and starting to gain recognition around Chicago. I listened to it on the way home, and it was pretty amazing. It's the first CD from his production company, and the first CD from his group in six years. This is so exciting!


33.5 minutes
1.84 miles
231 calories

One of the women at work brought in a German Chocolate Bundt Cake today, so I had to kick it into gear!

Reading: "Mr. Timothy" by Louis Bayard.

Listening: CD--"The Roaring Twenties", from Diatribe

Beading: A pair of earrings.

One Year Ago, I was
tryin� to do the math.

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