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tough call
October 01, 2005, 10:13 A.M.

Can I just say�
$1.10 for a twenty ounce bottle of filtered tap water? Or unlubricated anal rape? Hmmm. Let me think.

I hate this company, out here in the sticks, stranded by the tollway. They have you over a barrel with your pants down, and they damn well know it.

My bad, I guess. I usually take every precaution to avoid spending money at work, because I know how it is. But when I went in this morning, I left my bottled water sitting on the front seat of the car. Rather than go through the hassle of signing out and back in at the security desk, I just got a bottle from the machine.

You know�after I took out a friggin� bank loan.

My check engine light issue seems to have resolved itself, well within the parameters of what is stated in the owner�s manual. So I�m not concerned any longer. Spouse may still think it needs to be looked into, but I�m comfortable with the situation.

The grill was a big hit last night�W thought it was a good gift. We actually exchanged birthday gifts. She was just finishing mine when I went over. She made me a really bold and stunning chain necklace and earrings, incorporating her wirework and some really cool glass accent beads. It will go with just about anything, so I know I�ll be getting the wear out of it. I have to remember to send a thank you.

She was also playing with her new birthday toy�a dvd/vhs recorder. Pretty awesome�If there was anything out there I thought was worth recording, I�d think about getting one.

I was staggered by the amount of movies, TV shows, and even stage musicals she got on DVD for her birthday. She took all her gift cards from her birthday party and went nuts buying everything on her wish list. Season 1 Fraggle Rock, Season 1 Muppet Show, Season 1 Lost, The DVD of (the definitive) Sweeney Todd, all episodes of Monk, Stewie Griffin - The Untold Story--etc. etc. I�m thinking I�ll be borrowing heavily from her collection as the winter comes on.

In fact, I�ve already started�I borrowed season one of Dead Like Me. I have sooo been wanting to see that show since it first aired on Showtime�but I don�t have Showtime, so no dice. So I�m all atwitter! (Mandy! oh, my wonderful, precious, darling Mandy!) I can hardly wait to sit down and dig in.

In fact, I really just want to hole up with my beads, my DVD player, and a cup of my own, private blend Vanilla-Spice coffee*, and have an orgy of self-indulgent fun.

Can you tell it�s FALL?

Well, I want to do all these things AFTER I get the hell out of this frigging hole. It�s 10:00 as I write this, and I�m still sitting here at my desk wishing the heck that they would either fix the issue or back out the upgrade and let us get out of here. I want to go to the gym! I�m giving them till 10:30, and then I wave the white flag and get out of here.

*1 part Costa Rican Tarrazu, 2 parts Sumatra Mandheling, a generous sprinkle of Pampered Chef Cinnamon Plus (Korintje Cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, ground orange peel, cloves and ginger), and several drops of double strength real vanilla extract in the filter basket. Brew, add a little sugar and cream�and be happy!


36.00 minutes

2.01 miles

257 calories

Reading: �Complicated Shadows: The Life and Music of Elvis Costello� by Graeme Thomson, and �Malice Domestic 1�, edited by Ellis Peters

Listening: XM, �70s on 7. Oh, my god�for my sins�Morris Albert doing �Feelings�. Lost 8-track Collection, my ass. We didn�t "lose" it. We threw the piece of crap away!

Beading: Double Diamond choker, in green jasper, and light gold, silver-lined seed beads.

One Year Ago, I was renewing my license.

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