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September 24, 2005, 3:58 P.M.

You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.
--The Waco Kid, in "Blazing Saddles"

Whoops. I accidentally slept in today. I didn't wake up till 8:15! Poor Raji. I guess staying up until 1:30 just got to me. I made roasted chicken breasts, mashed potatoes, gravy, peas, and a cake for dessert, along with a pitcher of decaf iced tea to drink. And in my efforts to stay awake, I managed to pick up and vacuum and dust and clean the kitchen, so Spouse came home to a warm and welcoming environment, all cozy and inviting. His girls waiting to greet him with lots of love.

Everyone should get that once in a while, I think. I sometimes read back through this diary and I�m appalled by how much I bitch about my husband. But I do love him. And I probably don�t bitch much more than a lot of wives. I just do it all here, so the concentration of it seems high.

So--once I got up, quickly filled Raji�s bowls, and popped my meds, I threw on some clothes and took Miss Thing on her walk. It was lovely out this morning, and we walked over to Lincoln Park and spent some time hiking around. Our trip through the neighborhood, the park, and the public gardens seemed to do us both some good.

When we got home, I made some coffee and got comfy in the backyard, then dialed my mom up and had a good long talk. Way overdue, and we both enjoyed it a lot I think. Then I spent some time talking with Spouse while he got ready for work, and saw him out the door about noon.

I had some toast and then it was time to answer the call of the housework. Laundry day, and I�ve got six loads to do. It was going to be seven, but it�s raining again. And with more rain, it is pointless to wash the throw rugs right now. I�ll wait and try to get that done during the week, after it dries out around here.

I didn�t feel like taking on a piece of the kitchen this week, so my �special project� ended up being in the living room. I washed the picture window. No small task, considering the amount of nose gunk Raji leaves on there.

But mostly? I�m taking it easy today. I realized last night, after I wrote out my daily routine, that I needed a day where I could just putter. Fiddle around on the PC or watch Family Guy DVDs or read, in between getting stuff done.

I have a few other chores to do around here, and I need to call T (my best friend�s partner) and find out what time I need to be at the surprise party tomorrow, without W catching on. (That�s gonna be tricky.) But I�m not piling on the responsibility. What gets done, gets done. As long as something gets done, I�ll feel satisfied.

Spouse doesn�t want me to have to cook tonight, so we decided I�ll just order some Italian delivered like we did last Saturday night. Tomorrow, we have early breakfast at the diner with some friends, and then I have the surprise party/brunch thing going on around noonish. So I will have to be wearing my �social� hat most of the day. Ugh. All the more reason to be all hermit-y and reclusive today.

I think my (home) printer burned out. And I need a new trackball for my work PC, as well, so I suppose I will have to find some time tomorrow to run to BB and look at new ones. Gah. I hate shopping.

GYM REPORT: Raji and I took about a 45-minute walk this morning, as mentioned above.

Reading: "The Fifties: A Women�s Oral History", by Brett Harvey, and �Complicated Shadows: The Life and Music of Elvis Costello� by Graeme Thomson

Listening: The sound of the cars going swish, swish, swish on the rainy street.

Beading: Currently Inactive

One Year Ago, I was held prisoner by Bush.

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