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I was like this in college, but back then I had speed!
September 08, 2005, 8:10 P.M.

I just sent off a scathing email to the Lean Cuisine people, excoriating them for their devastating revamp of the product line. I have depended quite heavily on their Dinnertime Selections meals in my weight loss. But they have downsized the overall package weight, taken away favorite varieties, shrunken the entree portions in order to add foul-tasting "desserts", jacked the salt to the point where they are as bad as every other frozen dinner, and "spiced things up" in certain cases with the introduction of red

To which I am deathly allergic.

I'm so pissed that a product I trust and depend on is gone. And I'm at a loss as to how to replace it.

I succeeded today in getting a project implementation delayed. I'm pretty proud of that, because they had already shorted me six testing days on the test cycle, and it is not, quite frankly, anywhere near ready to go. But getting them to put the breaks on anything is near to impossible. But what little clout the testing department may have apparently rests with me, because they agreed to give me an additional two days.

Which isn't right, and isn't sufficient. But it is something. Something I had believed was no longer in my power.

Since I seem to have finally gotten my week under control (Yeah, by Thursday night. Not my best work...), I was able to come home and devote a little time to the routines I've been trying so hard to establish. Since five o'clock, I've:

  • Watered all the flowers

  • shaken rugs

  • straightened and tidied around the house

  • hung up and/or folded the laundry that was in the dryer

  • vacuumed and dusted the living room, dining room, and hall

  • ate a reasonable and responsible amount of appropriate food

  • swept the kitchen

  • washed all of our dirty dishes

  • washed and refilled the dog's water bowl

  • cleaned the stove, counters, and sink

  • straightened and tidied around the house

  • hung up and/or folded the laundry that was in the dryer

  • washed, dried, folded and stowed a load of towels

  • vacuumed and dusted the living room, dining room, and hall

  • got my clothes, jewelry, and shoes laid out for tomorrow

  • re-loaded the fridge with bottled water

  • prepped and packed my fruit for tomorrow

  • walked the dog

  • mended a necklace

  • set up the coffeemaker for tomorrow

  • wrote a diary entry

Why yes, I DO rock, how about yourself?

Seriously--I think that the routine and the activity level help keep my eating issues under control. Or maybe enforcing these routines with myself is resulting in a discipline spillover onto the part of my brain that usually thinks it's okay to eat an entire quart of ice cream.

I showed everyone my flat tire souvenir today--Blonde Hottie gave me the hunk of metal he pulled out of the tire. Solid steel, 2 inches long, a half-inch wide, 3/8ths of an inch thick. Weighs about two ounces. Now that brings a whole new meaning to the term �tire iron�. Ex-boss was amazed they were able to plug it, and I told him that he wasn�t as surprised as my tire guy.


30 minutes

1.65 miles

210 calories

Reading: �Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man�, by Fannie Flagg, and "The Blood Doctor", by Barbara Vine (Ruth Rendell).

Listening: XM, "Fred". Teardrop Explodes, �When I Dream�--Sisters of Mercy, "Temple of Love"--and that John Hughes flashback, "Don't You" (Forget About Me), from Simple Minds

Beading: Currently Inactive

One Year Ago, I was googling my blood pressure.

recede - proceed

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