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I'm really a lazy soul at heart
August 25, 2005, 3:36 P.M.

New product I don�t know how I lived without: True Lemon.

True Lovin'.

I kinda punked yesterday, taking some time off from the whole pushpushpush to get things done. After I got done at the library yesterday, I just went home and spent the afternoon reading and napping. I didn�t even do my thirty minutes in my room, because I couldn�t face exacerbating my allergies again by stirring up all that dust. I�m already having minor nosebleeds�don�t need to make it worse. Anyway, I spent close to an hour a night in there on Monday and Tuesday, so I gave myself a pass.

I�m not feeling very hyped and motivated today, either�but all we can do is our best, eh?


30 minutes

1.61 miles

218 calories
There�s life in the old girl yet!

Reading: I put down "Social Crimes", and started reading a bunch of books on cleaning and de-cluttering that I got at the library. All by Linda Cobb or Don Aslett

Listening: XM Radio, and I�m all over the dial. A little Irving Berlin, a little Mel Torme, a little Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds, a little Social Distortion�

Beading: "Officially considering thinking about beading at this time".

One Year Ago, I was worried about Spouse.

recede - proceed

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