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November 09, 2016,

Judgemental. Well, read on..

Exhausted. Why? From the stupid time change. Maybe "falling back" is easy when you are a kid, but when you are me, it just means another period of adjustment, where you wake up an hour before the alarm goes off every day and try to limp around on only five hours of sleep.

Heartbroken. This whole election thing has gutted me once more. Patton Oswald quote from last night: "What I've learned so far tonight: America is WAAAAAAAAY more sexist than it is racist. And it's pretty fucking racist." Pretty much what I said when they gave the nomination to Obama over Clinton, back in 2008.

A bit alone. I just went no contact with an entire state. Sure, I'm uneasy about it, and I'll probably regret it a little at some point. But Iowa voted itself out of my life last night. It is a foul, disgusting place and I never want to see it again. I have nothing in common with those people that isn't an accident of birth. And I don't want to. The are against everything I've ever stood for. I ordered a copy of my birth certificate last week, and that will be the last doings with that state for some time to come, if not forever. This also necessitated deleting about half of the people on my Fb "Friends" list.

Angry. see above. People who voted for that man were voting against HUMAN RIGHTS. The right to be who you are. The right to love who you love. The right to believe what you believe. Dominion over your own body. The right to the most basic human needs! Think about that. Either these people do not believe we are human, or they do--and simply do not care.

Baffled. If you have a child, how can you vote that way? If you have A VAGINA, how can you vote that way? If you really do believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, how can you vote that way? I'm simply gob-smacked.

SO. FUCKING. DONE. It is hopeless. I live in a country I can't live with. Whatever your reason for voting that way, I can't forgive it.

recede - proceed

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