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coming to the end
September 13, 2013

Got my recommendation regarding continued treatment today�therapist told me that honestly, he was on the fence. Reasons for going either way. But ultimately, after discussing, we agreed to term it after the next visit. With the understanding that I could come back if I ever felt I needed to. It did me a lot of good, but I knew going in that what I was after was a short-term thing to help me through a tough time in my life. Not a long term therapy commitment.

Continuing on would shift it from EAP to insurance, and because of the mental/nervous coverage I have, would end up coming pretty much all out of my pocket for this year and next. Way too expensive for me to consider, what with Spouse�s medical bills to be paid.

Also, with that shift to insurance would come different therapy criteria. I would have to take a much more conventional and in-depth psychiatric approach. And frankly? I don�t want to. I really don�t want to deal with that. Because I found out something the other day that makes me want to leave the past where it is.

I found out I was raised by a narcissist .

Yeah, I don�t really want to revisit my childhood traumas, thanks.

So I am getting ready to fly solo, and that�s fine. I�ll be okay. I still don�t know if the sertraline is actually doing me any good, but I�ll keep taking it, I guess. I am trying to be better at trusting the doctor and following his orders, and not taking my dosing and care into my own hands. And since it isn�t currently making me feel horrible (like the Wellbutrin and the Lexapro used to do), I can certainly stick with it�barring any unforeseen complications.

Reading: "Peter Cotterell's Treasure" (1922), by Rupert Sargent Holland.

Listening: Green Day, Talking Heads, Johnny Cash, Cowboy Junkies, REM

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