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November 10, 2005, 8:12 P.M.

As if Miss Sensitive isn't enough, all by her lil lonesone, to make me pull my hair out--
She's now teamed with a partner, in order to make certain I have that aneurysm by the end of the year.

And the partner in question is a former boss of mine. Now, I always managed to just barely get along with this person, but only by dedicating pretty much every fibre of my being to it. I was able to weather her particular shitstorm, and eventually she moved on to another position, and out of my hair.

But we have a huge project deadline looming, a project that is sprawling, and behind schedule, and out-of-control, a project manager who appears to be a douche-bag (I say appears to be, because he is most high and mighty and will not deign to actually speak to a peon like myself)--and a senior management staff who have decided to put this ex boss of mine in charge of corralling the whole damn mess.

She has interpreted that to mean that she is now my boss again.

Ms.Prickly, as I will be calling her, is very smart, a hard charger, and can intimidate people most effectively.

She also a very blunt, graceless, heavy-handed clod, and has a pronounced inferiority complex as a result. So she's very defensive. And very easy to hate.

My trusted and treasured SRCW, for instance? Hates her guts. Which puts me in one extremely suckassed position, because I have to spend so much time smoothing more ruffled feathers than the Birdman of Alcatraz.

This keeps me from getting my work done, exhausts me emotionally, convinces me that people are childish fucking idiots who deserve to be run over by trains, and just generally hoovers the quality right out of my life.

And now, I need to make sure that it is reiterated to her by my (actual) boss, that she is overstepping her bounds in attempting to run my department. More "handling" people.

The fact that she's already started to bully the project managers is helpful to my cause, though. I let their boss know--he'll handle it, even if my boss won't.

I had to go to the bank after work, due to Friday being a holiday. And as I had to go to the grocery store as well, I stopped at the Pick and Save-it's close by the bank. I found that they are currently selling my brand and model of cookware through the end of the year, so I'm going to take the opportunity to fill out my set. I picked up the 2-quart covered saucepan today. I have one in my original set, but that's a size where multiples are very handy. And I want to get the 3-quart pan, the large saute pan, and the casserole pan, none of which I have. That will give me a nice, expanded set, and pretty much everything I'm likely to need. I don't see the need for a griddle or a chicken fryer, and everything else came with my original set, so that will be sufficient, I think.

My stove being that agent of Satan, the induction cooktop, it is extremely difficult to find durable and affordable cookware that will work on it. All-Clad and Le Creuset are wonderful products, but they are very expensive, and not provided with a nonstick surface. The Castamel is everything I need, and affordable to boot (I paid $14.99 for the covered saucepan). And my original set looks nearly new, after three years of regular use. Definitely worth getting more.

Well, I'm several steps closer to having to say goodbye to my dear, sweet friend D. She handed in her notice this week, and left after work today to go house hunting in Michigan. I can't explain how much I'm going to miss her, and her special and wonderful blend of friend, mom, and fairy-godmother. She always makes me feel like the pampered half of the friendship, and I don't get to be that very often. I'm going to miss her insanely.

Reading: �Busman�s Honeymoon�, by D.L. Sayers, and The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain.

Listening: CD--�The Remains of Tom Lehrer� (Volume Three). I'd never heard "Alma" before...but now she's a favorite. Just ask Gustav and Walter and Franz!

Beading: Planning a two-strand bracelet in Tanzanite-colored fire-polish, with silver accents.

One Year Ago I was without gas.

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