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lazy Sunday busy Monday
November 07, 2005, 5:45 P.M.

Yesterday was just delicious.

I did a minimal amount of housework, drank a large amount of coffee, didn�t have to cook, never even made it out of my sweats, and played entirely too much Cubis2.

I believe the official name for that is �Lazy-ass Sunday�.

When Spouse came home around six, he surprised the heck out of me by walking in with my new coffeemaker. Apparently he�d become frightened by my �Hulking out� in the morning, when I was trying to cobble the Black & Decker back together in the middle of the brewing cycle.

Hey�I burned my arm. I don�t think an Arrrrrgh! Is out of line when that happens. Especially before I�ve...you know...had my coffee?!

Anyway�I immediately had to get it out and set it up and play with it. It�s pretty nice. I think I�ll be satisfied with the stainless steel. On the one hand, you can�t see what�s left in the pot, but on the other hand, it won�t break, you can rinse it out while it�s still hot, and it�s thermal, so there is no warming plate to stew the coffee.

My coffee tasted a little bland this morning, but the coffeemaker hasn�t developed its own special contribution yet, so that�s to be expected, I guess.

I wasn�t kidding about too much Cubis2. My wrists, especially on the mousing side, are feeling stiff and sore today. On the other hand, something in my neck went off with a large pop yesterday afternoon, and the pain under my collarbone just�went away. The click in my cervical vertebrae was a sickening thing, but the immediate absence of pain that followed was a huge relief. I�m glad it self-corrected, because I can�t afford to go to the chiro this week. (Mainly because I have a Pampered Chef party to go to on Thursday, but hey�who needs health when you can get new kitchen utensils, eh?)

As nice as my weekend was, all good things end eventually. Which brings me to: Monday at the office.
Not good. I knew it was going to be a bitch of a day, but I only had genuine foreknowledge of about 25% of the Hell I faced, and was able to make an educated guess on about 50%. Which left a 25% wildcard to slap me around. Any guesses as to who jumped in to cover it?

Chapter Two, in which Miss Sensitive gets her ass handed to her.

She comes over here first thing in the morning, straight from a meeting where some asshole whipped her till she was frothy, and proceeds to unload at me and my teammate about how we haven�t provided her with our documents and scripts yet, and how she has people lined up to �help us�, but they can�t if they don�t have our scripts, yada, yada, ya ya YA.

I unloaded on her. I reminded her that the log jam is upstream, that we depend on documentation from the programmers to design testing strategy, and that we cannot make bricks without straw, and would she kindly go direct her attack on the rightful cause of delay. I reminded her that this is NOT the FIRST TIME that I�ve laid out these facts for her. In fact, it is at least the third time I�ve done so. I am giving her a deadline on this (with my boss�s knowledge and permission) of Friday, and if I she has not procured what I�ve repeatedly requested, I am kicking her project off the schedule.

It will still have the same deadline, but I will no longer be in any way accountable for its probable failure.

I think I made her cry. You know what? Too fucking bad. Her bullshit has been making me crazy for a good long time now, and I really am too busy at this point to have time for her, and her �special handling� needs. And I use the term bullshit advisedly, because her timidity and sensitivity are quite situational. Now that she�s determined that she can use it to influence male management and push us around by proxy, she�s become quite the sneaky little bully.

So help me, I am so ready to just go KHITBASH *.

23 minutes
1.20 miles
156 calories
I�m not screwing my back up again. Took it easy, and quit when it started hurting.

* �kick her in the box and shove her�.

Reading: �Busman�s Honeymoon�, by D.L. Sayers. I just can�t read Gaudy Night without following the proposal up with the honeymoon.

Listening: CD--�20 Years of Jethro Tull�.

Beading: Put on hold pending supply run.

One Year Ago, I was enjoying my weekend.

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