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I'm too old for acne, dammit
October 28, 2005, 10:37 P.M.

Holy crap, I have a stress zit the size of the Chrysler building jutting out from above my right eyebrow. Lovely, considering I'm going to be seeing my entire family tomorrow. Sucka hurts, too. I'm surprised my hairdresser didn't recoil in horror when I had my brows done today.

I'm just surprised that it's only one, considering how hectic things are. Today was another day where I just feel like I wake up running and never stop all day. Haircut, errands, shopping, yadayada--The only real break I got was when I came home expressly to wait for the furnace technician (annual maintenance, no problem or anything), and oh, big shock--he never made it. His office called to reschedule about 3:30, so I got a little time to sit and read.

Read what? Why, I'm glad you asked! When I got home today, there was a box on the porch. Containing the two James Lileks titles I'd ordered two days ago from Amazon. Not too damn bad for free shipping! I got "Mommy Knows Worst" (his latest), and the one he put out last year--"Interior Desecrations : Hideous Homes from the Horrible '70s". I'm saving that one for after I finish the Jerzy Kosinski I'm readng.

I'm currently writing this in an effort to stay awake long enough to get the bedding through the drying cycle and back onto the bed. Then it's nighty-night, because tomorrow is another titty-twister of a day. I have got to get up early, walk the dog, clean the house, take the dog to the kennel, pack a bag for me and Spouse, and head to my folks' 50th wedding anniversary dinner.

We are spending the night in Rockford, rather than drive all the way home, so at least I'll get to swim and relax a little bit. No one from out of town is staying, so I don't have to feel any guiltier than anyone else for skiving off to the Clocktower after the event.

In the interesting news department:
George "Mr. Sulu" Takei finally came out this week. My Star Trek crush is reduced to tatters. But honestly, how could anyone hear that voice and not melt, people?

Charles "I said fuck on SNL" Rocket is reported to have committed suicide recently. I'd love to have more info on that, because when I hear "Throat slit in a field", suicide is not the first thought that enters my mind.

25 minutes
1.33 miles
175 calories
I managed to squeeze in a quick stop at the gym after work.

Reading: "Being There" by Jerzy Kosinski. I loved this book when I first read it...as a high school sophomore. I'm not sure if it was my immaturiry, or the more naive viewpoint of the American people back in the 1970s, but it seems way too simplistic now. And I never realized the influence of the movie version on me. The characters in my head look like Peter Sellers, Melvyn Douglas, and Shirley MacLaine.
Oh, and I devoured the latest James Lileks offering, as well. "Mommy Knows Worst : Highlights from the Golden Age of Bad Parenting Advice". My only complaint is that it could have been a bit longer. I killed it in under ninety minutes.

Listening: XM, On Broadway. Songs from Oliver!, Wicked, and Sweeney Todd John VonS must have been in a dark mood this morning. I've also been listening to "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" on XM Sonic, every day on the way home from work. That has been very enjoyable.

Beading: A pretty and sparkly pink bracelet for me. I'm just in the design stage right now, but it will be a two-strand.

One Year Ago, I was a zombie.

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