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f*ck me gently with a chainsaw
October 10, 2005,

Well, we got the lowdown today on exactly how hard my company will be whacking us on medical insurance for �06.

Hard enough for me to sit here and wonder if I�m going to be able to make ends meet.

On top of the $2522.00 annually that they have been bleeding me, add another seven hundred and twenty-five dollars!

That is if I keep my current options. They are pushing to get everyone to join these �Healthcare Savings Account� plans. Which is apparently insurance talk for : �Give us $2600 a year and we�ll give you a card that allows you to pretend you have health benefits.�

With these hikes, on top of gas prices nearly doubling in the last year, this job is getting to be an extravagance I can no longer afford.

In other work news, I finally got some feedback from my �boss� concerning the abrupt departure of our teammate last week. After much hedging and hem/hawing, the exact quote was �she will be replaced�. Inferred from that hedge-hem-haw: they don�t plan to hire anyone. Which leaves one of these scenarios: A) The replacement will be a clone of the departed employee�underpaid, under-motivated, uninterested, and moved in from a position that�s �going away�. B) The replacement will not be physically present in this office, but an employee from one of the $7 an hour branch offices. I.E., a trained chimp. C) the replacement will consist of two half-time employees, so as to avoid the necessity of benefits. D) They will actually be placing a low-level manager in the office, and taking the administration responsibilities away from Remaining Coworker and myself. Thus denying me, once again, my promotion and raise.

The worst part is, no matter what scenario they opt for, it will be my responsibility to pull the necessary time and patience out of my ass, and train them.

I had a halfway decent day yesterday. I got quite a bit done around the house, I beaded a bit, read a bit, spent some time on the computer (Cubis 2 and assorted other fiddling around), cooked a nice dinner, and recharged my batteries.

31 minutes

1.75 miles

218 calories

weight: 248

Yep. Finally seem to have gotten over my hump. Now I need to keep that in motion. And my baser instincts in check. Which shouldn�t be hard, since I can apparently no longer afford to buy food.

Reading: �Depraved : The Definitive True Story of H.H. Holmes, Whose Grotesque Crimes Shattered Turn-of-the-Century Chicago�, by Harold Schecter. Also, �Malice Domestic 5�, edited by Phyllis A. Whitney.

Listening: XM Radio, �On Broadway�. MM (1.0) gold-digs her way through �My Heart Belongs To Daddy�, and MM (2.0) gold-digs her way through �Diamonds Are a Girl�s Best Friend�. But Richard Kiley wants �No Strings�.

Beading: Zipper Charms. Four down, four to go.

One Year Ago, I was starting to see a pattern.

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