rhymes with rhyme

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Saturday, Jul. 02, 2005, 3:48 PM

Some days, everything seems like work.

And then, there are days like today, when nothing seems like work.

I've been out to McHenry, to the Meijer, and did a huge grocery shop. I came home, cleaned out the fridge, put all those groceries away, and did the mountain of dirty dishes that results when I clean out the fridge.

I've done several loads of wash, puttered around outside watering and deadheading flowers, and I even scrubbed the bathroom.

But none of it felt like work. I just enjoyed the hell out of it all.

Part of that is the weather--a perfectly gorgeous, sunny, dry, and not-too-hot day. I feel my best on days like this, and tend to be more energized.

But I think another part of it is the fact that I'm not under the gun for once. The lack of time constraints is very freeing, and strangely motivating.

Spouse is being productive as well, mowing the lawn, washing his car, putting up his new solar Malibu™ lights together and placing them in the yard, cleaning the gas grill, and generally being a guy.

After sifting through nearly every bead in my collection, I finally selected my beads for the Green Goddess necklace...I went with green after all. I found some beads I'd forgotten about; antique seed beads I bought at the bead show when I was up in Green Bay in March. They are my favorite "Coke Bottle" green. And along with 4mm Swarovski bicones in tourmaline, and clear 6mm Czech firepolish ovals, they will make a lovely necklace.

Now I want to get started. I think I'll sit down this evening and get a good run in. I only have about a week before beading will be off limits for a while. I'd like to get this piece finished before then.

And I've already decided that I want to do one for my Mom as well, in golds and ambers. I have most of what I need for that one already, but I want to find some real gold ovals or bicones for the 6mm size.

Well, it's really too nice to sit here any longer. I think I'll grab some of the wonderful cherries I bought this morning (big, fat, juicy, sweet-tart, and positively exploding with flavor)and go sit in the swing for a while. This is my ideal summer day.

Man, being happy sure is nice.

recede - proceed

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